Stolen Souls

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Frederick A. Stokes, 1895 - Fantasy fiction, English - 305 pages

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Page 114 - ... and stables where he had threshed and hewn and yoked his oxen thirty years if one : all these things, and a hundred like them, were dear to him with all the memories of his entire life; and away from them he could know no peace. He was going away into a great darkness. He had nothing to guide him. The iron of a wasted love, of a useless sacrifice, was in his heart. His instinct drove him where there was peril for Pippa's son:—that was all. If this woman took the lad away from him— where was...
Page 131 - Robbins disassociates itself as exclusive supplier of Powerlock-milled flooring." As a result of said disassociation, Powerlock was required to find another source of maple flooring for use in its system and to expand its promotional activities, each of which were formerly furnished by Robbins.
Page 113 - ... designed, was parted in the middle, drawn backward above the beautifully moulded ears, and then allowed to fall in graceful tresses along the neck, thus leaving free only a low three-sided expanse of brow, like the pediment of a temple. For that face was not only beautiful because of its harmony, not only winsome in the gentleness of its contour, but it was also masterful by virtue of the intellect in that open forehead, by virtue of the freedom and force expressed in all its firmness. And yet...
Page 101 - ... unsuspicious of any imminent peril. Children were playing on the banks of the creek, women were engaged in their ordinary domestic duties, the newly arrived immigrants were resting under the trees, which were clad in the scarlet crimson and golden leaves of autumn. The scene was peaceful and Acadian. It was now about four o'clock in the afternoon and the sun hung low and red in a beautiful Indian summer sky. "Suddenly, from out the timber north and west of the mill, the Gentiles burst upon the...
Page 166 - ... other interests, however essential they may be of themselves — one question, upon the solution of which in one way or another depends the future of the people. Such a moment Russia is now living through, and such a question, determining her further destinies, is the question of political freedom. Autocracy, after receiving its most vivid expression and impersonation in the reign of Alexander III., has with irrefutable clearness proved its impotence to create such an order of things as should...
Page 17 - When I recovered consciousness, I found myself lying in bed in a long hospital ward, with the kind face of my friend, Dr.
Page 272 - ... been long hidden by the mountains behind us, on whose tops the ice and snow glittered. As the twilight came on a pale rosy light suffused the eastern sky, and out of this serenely glorious depth the moon shone so mildly beautiful that it looked like its own reflection on the bosom of some calm lake. The aspens shook, the outlines of the valley shaded off into darkness and uncertainty, the stars sparkled over the...
Page 294 - Take him away, and let him be shot at dawn, as soon as there is sufficient light to distinguish a black thread from a white," the old rebel commanded with a wave of his sun tanned hand.
Page 266 - If you do not, it will be the worse for you ! " he muttered between his teeth.

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