The Manual of American Water-works, Volume 3Engineering News, 1892 - Water-supply engineering Containing the history, details of construction, source and mode of water supply, pumping machinery, distribution, consumption, pressure, hydrant rental, revenue and expenses, cost and debt, etc., etc., of every water-works in the United States and Canada, with summaries for each state and group of states; and directory of water-works officials, engineers and contractors. |
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Common terms and phrases
appointed artesian authorized B'd'd debt Boilers Bonded Debt Built in 89 CHANGES since 1890 Chas Clerk closes April closes Dec Cons'pt'n construction consumers Consumption control of rates controls rates Contrs Creek Distribution.-(In 88 Distribution.-Mains drants Engr Expenses filtered Financial Financial.-Bonded Debt Financial.-Cap Financial.-Cost fire protection Fiscal year closes floating franchise provides FURTHER DESCRIPTIVE MATTER galls gravity from impounding History.-Built in 90 Hyd'ts Hydrant rental impounding reservoir July Lake Ludlow Mains Management Management.-Prest Management.-Supt MATTER see Manual Mayor ment.-Prest Meters miles N. Y. City Pipe and specials Pressure Prest provides for purchase pumping direct Pumping Machinery.-Dy pumping to reservoir pumping to stand-pipe pumping to tank put in operation reported Reservoir.-Cap Revenue River Secy Sinking Fund springs stand-pipe and direct Stock sumers Supply.-Artesian Supply.-Springs Supply.-Well Supt Taps taxes Total Debt town Treas Valves village
Popular passages
Page 57 - CROUP 2. --Middle States. --Water-Works Completed, in Process of Construction or Projected, in New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland and District of Columbia. NEW YORK. Water-Works Completed or In Process of Construction.
Page 12 - Management.— Prest, RF Briggs. Clerk, OS Baley. Тгеаь., ER Sibley. ' 4. AMHERST, Hampshire Co. (Pop., 4,298-4,512.) Built in '79 by Amherst Water Co. ; franchise provides neither for control of rates nor purchase of works by city. Supply, Amethyst brook and springs. Fiscal year closes May 6. Distribution.— Mains, 12 miles.
Page 381 - Engineers, Iron Founders, and Machinists. Office: 400 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. CAST IRON PIPE of U/ater *? Qas U/orl^s. MANUFACTURERS TURBINE WHEELS, Pumping Machinery, Hydraulic Cranes, Lifts and Machinery, Heavy Loam Castings, "Eddy" Valves, FIRE HYDRANT iH CRANE ATTACHMENT FOR SPRINK1ING CART.
Page xvi - MOTOR embraces the smaller size wheels inclosed in iron cases all ready for pipe connections. This is presented as a machine thoroughly scientific in principle, of admirable mechanical design, and possessing in the same degree the wonderful energy and power of the PELTON WHEELS, which has given them a reputation for economy and high efficiency that commands the trade in all parts of the world. The PELTON MOTOR will be found so superior to all others as regards strength, durability, economy of water,...
Page 57 - First supplied from small gravity works built by со- last century; bought by city in '51 and extended. Supply. — Patroon and Sand creeks, by gravity, and Hudson River by pumping to reservoir and repumping to high service reservoir. Financial year closes Nov. 1, but statistics for distribution are for Dec. 31. In '85 Special Water Commission was appointed. to obtain a new supply. Attempt was made to secure 15,000,000 galls, of water daily from driven wells, and in Sept., '89, 390 2-in. wells hail...
Page xxvi - ... the table, will enable the reader to form an opinion regarding the value of all figures given. The figures are the best that can be obtained, and are more complete, uniform and more nearly up to date, it is believed, than any ever before published. They give certain facts regarding the con sumption of water and use of meters in the 50 largest cities of the United States and in others both large and small which, although they must be taken with qualifications, are for comparative purposes of great...
Page xviii - ... after all, a good one, since the three to six year bodies together number 43, and these, with the bodies chosen for life and the perpetual bodies, number 102, or about 55 per cent, of the total number reporting. In addition it must be borne in mind that many of the works are under the same superintendent year after year, and that upon him the successful operation of the works often almost wholly depends. In many instances the superintendent is the only man who really knows anything about the...
Page 90 - Bates &-Co. Supt., Ira Cole. 184. WARSAW, Wyoming Co. (Pop., 1,910-3,120.) Built in 70 by Warsaw Water-Works Co. ; franchise provides neither for control of [rates nor purchase of works by village.
Page xxxix - Pittsburg, and less than half at Grand Rapids. A list of 29 duplicate and triplicate plants in 25 cities was given on p. (V), and further comment upon competing plants was promised. These duplicate works are so circumstanced that there is, with two or three exceptions, little or no real competition between them, or the works in themselves are very small.
Page 66 - Co. (Pop., 1,381— 1,5M.) Built in 72 by Delhi Water Co.; franchise provides neither for control of rates nor purchase of works by town. Supply.— Surface water, by gravity from impounding reservoir on brook. Distribution,— Mains, 3.5 miles. Taps, 200. Meters, 0. Hydrants, 42. Consumption, unk'n. Financial,— Cosí, $26,000. No Debt.