Aesthetic Experiences and Classical Antiquity: The Significance of Form in Narratives and PicturesIn this bold book, Jonas Grethlein proposes a new dialogue between the fields of Classics and aesthetics. Ancient material, he argues, has the capacity to challenge and re-orientate current debates. Comparisons with modern art and literature help to balance the historicism of classical scholarship with transcultural theoretical critique. Grethlein discusses ancient narratives and pictures in order to explore the nature of aesthetic experience. While our responses to both narratives and pictures are vicarious, the 'as-if' on which they are premised is specifically shaped by the form of the representation. Form emerges as a key to how narratives and pictures constitute an important means of engaging with experience. Combining theoretical reflections with close readings, this book will appeal to art historians as well as to textual scholars. |
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Aesthetic Experiences and Classical Antiquity: The Significance of Form in ... Jonas Grethlein No preview available - 2020 |
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action aesthetic experience aesthetic illusion amphora ancient novel ancient vase-painting Antikensammlung Berlin archaic argues argument Aristippus Arsace as-if aspect Athena Attic black-figured audience beholder black-figured blinding of Polyphemus Bredekamp Calasiris chapter character Charicleia and Theagenes Claude Claude's Cnemon cognitive concept crucial culture Demainete depiction dynamics ekphrasis Elsner embedded English tr Ethiopica everyday example fiction Figure film frame of as-if gaze Germain Gorgo gorgoneion Greek Grethlein Heliodorus highlights Homer Husserl illustrate images immersion Laokoon Lugowski maison meditation Medusa metaphor mimesis mirror modern motif Mroué Museum Narcissus narrated narratives and pictures narratology nonetheless notion Odysseus Painter painting Pan Painter Perseus phenomenological Philostratus pictorial representation plot Polyphemus Rapha reader reading reception reflection reflexivity represented object response scene seeing-in self-referential sequence simultaneously Sirens spatial form Staatliche Antikensammlungen story suspense temporal texts Theagenes and Charicleia theory Thisbe throws into relief Thyamis tion tive vase viewer visual Wollheim