The Modern Management of the Menopause: A Perspective for the 21st Century

Front Cover
G. Berg, M. Hammar
Taylor & Francis, Apr 15, 1994 - Medical - 626 pages
Currently, the menopause and women's health are of rapidly growing concern worldwide. There is immense scientific interest in this field of healthcare and there is little doubt that menopause is to be recognized as one of the major health issues of our time. Today, the population growth of several developing countries is mainly among those over 50. In the developed world already, 15-20 percent of the population are women over 50. gave addresses at the VIIth International Congress of the Menopause. It covers vital aspects of middle-aged life by many of the leading researchers in the field, including demographic alterations, socio-cultural aspects, health perspectives and guidelines for the management of the menopause in the future. dedicated to research, health and education within the field of the menopause.

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