Interest Tables on an Improved Plan: Shewing by Inspection the Legal Interest on Every Sum from 1 L. to 1000 L. and from 1000 L. to 10,000 L. for 1 Day to 30, 40 and 50 Days, and for 3, 6, 9 and 12 Months ... A Table of Discount at 6 1/2 Per Cent. the Allowance Made by the East-India Company to the Purchasers of Goods at Their Sales for Prompt-payment ... A Table for the Payment of Salaries Or Wages. A Table Shewing the Number of Days from Any Day in One Month to the Same Day in Any Other Month |
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Page 2 - One Thoufand Pounds. A TABLE for the Payment of Salaries or Wages. A TABLE fhewing the Number of Days from any Day in one Month to the fame Day in any other Month.
Page 5 - Dealers in Eaft-India Company's Bonds. THE Table of Difcount at 6| per Cent, the Allowance made by the Eaft-India Company to the Purchafers of Goods at their Sales, will not only be of Utility in clearing the Articles, but alfa in afcertaining the exact Price of their Commodities after the Difcount is deducted.
Page 2 - DISCOUNT at 61 per Cent, the Allowance made by the Eaft-India Company to the Purchafers of Goods at their Sales for Prompt-Payment : Calculated to the One Hundredth Part of a Penny, from One Penny to One Thoufand Pounds.