Oski's Pediatrics: Principles & PracticeJulia A. McMillan, Ralph D. Feigin, Catherine DeAngelis, M. Douglas Jones Click here to view a narrated demo to see all the features of this exciting new Solution! Oski's Solution gives you a complete print and multimedia package consisting of Oski's Pediatrics: Principles and Practice, Fourth Edition plus access to an integrated content Website. The text is a comprehensive guide to the current practice of pediatric care, and includes new chapters on complementary and alternative medicine, genetics in primary care, and updating of the chapters on infant and child behavior and development. Plus, this edition brings color to the book for more attractive and clearer presentation, and includes boxed elements to help readers summarize information. The Oski's Solution Website provides:
Pediatric History and Physical Examination | 26 |
Diagnostic Process | 41 |
Fluid and Electrolyte Physiology and Therapy | 54 |
Molecular Genetics | 71 |
Evaluating and Using Laboratory Tests | 95 |
Immunization | 118 |
Congenital Malformations | 169 |
Acquired Cytomegaloviral Infections | 1268 |
Measles Rubeola | 1275 |
Polyomaviruses | 1281 |
Viral Gastroenteritis | 1288 |
210 | 1301 |
212 | 1307 |
214 | 1313 |
Fetal Evaluation and Prenatal Diagnosis | 188 |
The Premature Newborn | 220 |
Neonatal Hyperbilirubinemia | 235 |
Intrauterine Growth Restriction | 246 |
Ethical Issues in Neonatology 255 g NEONATAL CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM 325 | 255 |
e NEONATAL NERVOUS SYSTEM 265 53 Cardiovascular Disease in the Newborn | 339 |
Intraventricular Hemorrhage of the Preterm Gary S Kopf and Dennis M Mello | 360 |
White Matter Injury in the Premature Infant 276 SYSTEM | 369 |
Perinatal Cerebral Infarction 282 56 Neonatal Cholestasis | 376 |
The Floppy Infant and the Late Walker 291 Colston F McEvoy | 382 |
Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome 295 John H Seashore | 389 |
Developmental Considerations 299 Jon A Vanderhoof | 397 |
Respiratory Distress Syndrome 305 Elizabeth A Catlin and Mary M | 411 |
Cystic Adenomatoid Malformation 310 Joseph B Warshaw and William W Hay | 428 |
Transient Tachypnea of the Newborn 311 Joseph M Gertner | 438 |
Ian Gross | 451 |
Dysmorphology Genetic Syndromes | 460 |
Craniofacial Defects 468 91 Menstrual Disorders | 561 |
NEONATAL BACTERIAL VIRAL 93 Adolescent Hypertension | 573 |
Sepsis Neonatorum 482 94 Adolescent Substance Abuse and Other HighRisk | 579 |
Group B Streptococcal Disease 501 | 593 |
The Key | 601 |
Cytomegalovirus 511 | 608 |
Neonatal VaricellaZoster Virus 520 in Pediatrics | 615 |
Neonatal Syphilis 523 101 Mental Disorders and Psychological Stress | 624 |
Neonatal Toxoplasmosis 530 103 Emotional Disorders with Childhood | 634 |
Hepatitis Viruses 533 James C Harris | 641 |
Neisseria Gonorrhoeae 536 James C Harris | 648 |
ADOLESCENT MEDICINE Richard E Kreipe | 655 |
Introduction to Adolescent Medicine 546 109 Sleep Disorders | 662 |
Breast Disorders 558 110 Psychotic Disorders | 668 |
113 | 674 |
Adoption | 680 |
Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Referral | 686 |
117A Apparent LifeThreatening Events | 714 |
ALLERGY AND IMMUNOLOGY 438 Electrocardiographic | 718 |
117B Sudden Infant Death Syndrome SIDS | 722 |
Acute Head Trauma | 730 |
General Principles of Poisoning Management | 747 |
Salicylism | 754 |
Plant Poisoning | 765 |
Respiratory Complications of Burns and Smoke | 776 |
Pediatric Ophthalmology | 801 |
Pediatric Dermatology | 827 |
Sports Medicine | 879 |
Failure to Thrive | 900 |
Pathogenesis of Fever and Its Treatment | 916 |
Bacterial Meningitis beyond the Newborn | 924 |
Opportunistic Infections in the Compromised | 933 |
Pediatric Human Immunodeficiency Virus | 942 |
Antiretroviral Therapy in Pediatric Acquired | 952 |
Mycoplasma and Ureaplasma Infections | 978 |
Rickettsial Diseases | 985 |
Control of Nosocomial Infections | 998 |
Assays for the Diagnosis of Infectious | 1009 |
Nocardiosis | 1028 |
Bartonellosis | 1044 |
CatScratch Disease | 1057 |
Diarrheagenic Escherichia Coli | 1063 |
Legionella | 1073 |
Listeriosis | 1079 |
Gonococcal Infections | 1088 |
Pertussis | 1094 |
Pneumococcal Infections | 1102 |
RatBite Fever | 1110 |
Tuberculosis | 1142 |
Nontuberculous Mycobacteria | 1155 |
Yersinia Pseudotuberculosis | 1161 |
Coronaviruses | 1206 |
Influenza Viruses | 1213 |
Human Metapneumovirus | 1221 |
Parvoviruses | 1230 |
EpsteinBarr Virus Infection in Children | 1241 |
Postnatal Herpes Simplex Virus | 1247 |
Human Herpesvirus Type 6 | 1260 |
Babesiosis | 1325 |
Toxoplasmosis | 1351 |
The Nematodes | 1361 |
Toxocara Infections | 1370 |
Schistosomiasis | 1380 |
SECTION II | 1387 |
Viral and Atypical Pneumonia | 1395 |
Pneumocystis Jiroveci Pneumonia | 1404 |
Laryngeal Disorders | 1411 |
Cystic Fibrosis | 1425 |
Pulmonary Hemosiderosis | 1438 |
Chronic Diffuse Interstitial Lung Disease | 1447 |
Diseases of the Pleura | 1454 |
Recurrent or Persistent Lower Respiratory | 1460 |
The Common Cold | 1467 |
Orofacial Infections | 1477 |
Deep Neck Abscesses | 1492 |
Mastoiditis | 1501 |
Cervical Lymphadenitis | 1509 |
Herpangina | 1515 |
Echocardiography and Electrocardiography | 1522 |
Hypertension | 1532 |
Truncus Arteriosus | 1540 |
DoubleOutlet Right Ventricle | 1550 |
Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome | 1558 |
Defects of the Atrial Septum Including | 1565 |
Ventricular Septal Defect | 1575 |
Pulmonary Stenosis | 1582 |
Pulmonary Valve Atresia with Intact Ventricular | 1588 |
Anomalous Pulmonary Venous Connections | 1595 |
Mitral Valve Prolapse | 1603 |
Congenital Coronary Artery Abnormalities | 1612 |
Infective Endocarditis | 1648 |
Rheumatic Fever | 1662 |
Rheumatic Heart Disease | 1669 |
Abnormalities of Rate and Rhythm | 1677 |
Therapeutic Cardiac Catheterization 1685 309 SoftTissue Sarcomas | 1781 |
DISEASES OF THE BLOOD Murali M Chintagumpala | 1789 |
Hemolytic Anemias 1700 313 Gonadal and Germ Cell Neoplasms | 1796 |
Polycythemia 1711 315 Vascular Malformations | 1802 |
The Spleen and Lymph Nodes 1717 Denise W Metry | 1815 |
Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia 1750 | 1841 |
Chronic Myeloproliferative Disorders 1761 | 1850 |
Hodgkin Disease 1767 326 Progressive Hereditary Nephritis | 1875 |
Wilms Tumor 1775 329 Nephropathy of Diabetes Mellitus | 1881 |
Primary Hyperoxaluria Oxalosis 1884 353 Crohn Disease | 1962 |
Renal Tubular Acidosis 1886 355 Chronic Recurrent Abdominal Pain | 1977 |
Disorders of Renal Glucose Transport 1898 Jonathan E Teitelbaum and W Allan Walker | 1986 |
Bartter Syndrome 1904 Carlos H Lifschitz | 1992 |
Urolithiasis 1910 364 Appendicitis | 2000 |
Normal Gastrointestinal Function 1914 Steven L Werlin | 2013 |
Chronic Nonspecific Diarrhea of Childhood 1923 368 Liver Abscess | 2040 |
Gastrointestinal Bleeding 1927 370 Cirrhosis | 2046 |
Peptic Ulcer Disease 1932 371 Portal Hypertension | 2060 |
Intussusception 1938 372 Hepatic Steatosis | 2069 |
Anorectal Malformations 1950 374 Puberty and Gonadal Disorders | 2079 |
Childhood Obesity 2093 396 Cerebral Palsy | 2251 |
Neuroendocrine Disorders 2097 397 Acute Encephalopathies | 2258 |
Type 1 InsulinDependent Diabetes Mellitus 2103 398 Static Encephalopathy | 2264 |
Thyroid Gland 2123 400 Cerebrovascular Disease in Childhood | 2270 |
Adrenal Medulla 2143 | 2294 |
Introduction to Inborn Errors of Metabolism 2145 James Owens and Daniel G Glaze | 2300 |
Disorders of Transport 2150 Penelope Terhune Louis | 2306 |
Disorders of Carbohydrate Metabolism 2181 409 Hereditary and Acquired Types of Myopathy | 2322 |
Lysosomal Storage Disorders 2199 William J Britt | 2341 |
Disorders of Purine and Pyrimidine Edward R B McCabe | 2353 |
DISEASES OF Neurocutaneous Syndromes | 2379 |
Evaluation of the Child with Neurologic 417 Headache | 2388 |
Developmental Defects 2246 Alpers Disease | 2396 |
Asthma | 2404 |
Urticaria and Angioedema 2410 Fernando Stein and Jose C Cortes | 2566 |
Clinical Presentation of Primary Immunodeficiency Fernando Stein and Jorge M Karam | 2573 |
Combined Immunodeficiency Diseases 2462 450 Acute Hemodialysis | 2580 |
CONNECTIVE 455 Acute Hepatic Failure | 2593 |
Amyloidosis 2557 457 HemolyticUremic Syndrome | 2600 |
Pediatric Procedures | 2671 |
Presenting Signs and Symptoms | 2688 |
2725 | |