Always September - GRIFFIN TERMINAL: NOVELLA TRILOGY - BOOK ONEAlways September - GRIFFIN TERMINAL A Novella Trilogy. A fictional psychological thriller with a unique storyline delivering murder, mystery and suspense through great character dialogue. The sourcing and trapping of the human soul. While long considered an unfathomable enquiry, soon became known as soul spanning. An altered state of life as an outcome, a living soul inside another physical host. A new end to contemporary science, and from here began The Entanglement. Following two local men vanishing around the boathouse on the lake, Detective Dan Kessler investigates recent murders and unusual events surrounding the town of Hamilton, Michigan 1956. A suspected beast around the woodland lake leads him to stay at Langton Lodge. There he meets the intriguing owner Mr Kristof. Set over a three day period, the intense dialogue twists and turns, flavoured with humour and sub plots. Does Dan Kessler know who he really is? Can he escape the Terminal? Are the murders executed by a beast in the woodland or is this a rumorous cover? |