CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 85th Edition, Volume 85David R. Lide Get a FREE first edition facsimile with each copy of the 85th! Researchers around the world depend upon having access to authoritative, up-to-date data. And for more than 90 years, they have relied on the CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics for that data. This year is no exception. New tables, extensive updates, and added sections mean the Handbook has again set a new standard for reliability, utility, and thoroughness. This edition features a Foreword by world renowned neurologist and author Oliver Sacks, a free facsimile of the 1913 first edition of the Handbook, and thumb tabs that make it easier to locate particular data. New tables in this edition include: By popular request, several tables omitted from recent editions are back, including Coefficients of Frictionand Miscibility of Organic Solvents. Ten other sections have been substantially revised, with some, such as the Table of the Isotopes and Thermal Conductivity of Liquids, significantly expanded. The Fundamental Physical Constants section has been updated with the latest CODATA/NIST values, and the Mathematical Tables appendix now features several new sections covering topics that include orthogonal polynomials Clebsch-Gordan coefficients, and statistics. |
Standard Atomic Weights 2001 112 | 1-14 |
Units for Magnetic Properties 133 | 1-33 |
Conversion of Temperatures 146 | 1-46 |
Nomenclature of Chemical Compounds 222 | 2-22 |
Greek Russian and Hebrew Alphabets 237 | 2-37 |
Thermodynamic Functions and Relations 260 | 2-60 |
Exponential and Hyperbolic Functions and their Common Logarithms | 3-3 |
Aqueous Solubility of Inorganic Compounds at Various Temperatures 8122 | 8-122 |
Solubility Product Constants 8131 | 8-131 |
Solubility Chart 8136 | 8-136 |
Bond Lengths in Organometallic Compounds 915 | 9-15 |
Characteristic Bond Lengths in Free Molecules 944 | 9-44 |
Strengths of Chemical Bonds 952 | 9-58 |
Electronegativity 976 | 9-76 |
Synonym Index of Organic Compounds 3574 | 3-574 |
Molecular Formula Index of Organic Compounds 3597 | 3-597 |
CAS Registry Number Index of Organic Compounds 3670 | 3-670 |
Diamagnetic Susceptibility of Selected Organic Compounds 3700 | 3-700 |
Physical Constants of Inorganic Compounds 437 | 4-37 |
Formula Index of Inorganic Compounds 497 | 4-97 |
CAS Registry Number Index of Inorganic Compounds 4112 | 4-112 |
Melting Boiling Triple and Critical Temperatures of the Elements 4132 | 4-132 |
Index of Refraction of Inorganic Liquids 4149 | 4-149 |
CODATA Key Values for Thermodynamics | 5-4 |
Natural Trigonometric Functions to Four Places | 5-8 |
Integrals A21 | 5-21 |
Thermodynamic Properties as a Function of Temperature 561 | 5-61 |
Thermodynamic Properties of Aqueous Systems 585 | 5-85 |
Mean Activity Coefficients of Electrolytes as a Function of Concentration 599 | 5-99 |
Boiling Point of Water at Various Pressures 612 | 6-12 |
Thermophysical Properties of Fluids 617 | 6-25 |
Van der Waals Constants for Gases 646 | 6-46 |
Sublimation Pressure of Solids 665 | 6-67 |
Vapor Pressure of Fluids at Temperatures below 300 K 696 | 6-96 |
Enthalpy of Vaporization 6109 | 6-109 |
Enthalpy of Fusion 6125 | 6-125 |
Pressure and Temperature Dependence of Liquid Density 6140 | 6-140 |
Surface Tension of Aqueous Mixtures 6154 | 6-154 |
Permittivity Dielectric Constant of Gases 6178 | 6-178 |
Viscosity of Gases 6201 | 6-201 |
Viscosity of Carbon Dioxide along the Saturation Line 6208 | 6-208 |
Thermal Conductivity of Liquids 6214 | 6-214 |
Diffusion in Gases 6220 | 6-220 |
Properties of Amino Acids | 7-1 |
Carbohydrate Names and Symbols | 7-8 |
Thermodynamic Quantities for the Ionization Reactions of Buffers in Water 712 | 7-14 |
Preparation of Special Analytical Reagents | 8-4 |
Flame and Bead Tests 816 | 8-16 |
Conversion Formulas for Concentration of Solutions 822 | 8-22 |
Electrochemical Series 823 | 8-28 |
Reduction and Oxidation Potentials for Certain Ion Radicals 834 | 8-35 |
Practical pH Measurements on Natural Waters 842 | 8-42 |
Dissociation Constants of Organic Acids and Bases 847 | 8-57 |
Ion Product of Water Substance 885 | 8-85 |
Solubility of Carbon Dioxide in Water at Various Temperatures and Pressures 891 | 8-91 |
Nuclear Spins Moments and Other Data Related to NMR Spectroscopy 993 | 9-93 |
Line Spectra of the Elements 101 | 10-10 |
NIST Atomic Transition Probability Tables 1088 | 10-88 |
Electron Affinities 10147 | 10-147 |
Atomic and Molecular Polarizabilities 10167 | 10-167 |
Ionization Potentials of Atoms and Atomic Ions 10183 | 10-183 |
XRay Atomic Energy Levels 10204 | 10-204 |
Classification of Electromagnetic Radiation 10220 | 10-220 |
Index of Refraction of Liquids for Calibration Purposes 10233 | 10-233 |
Infrared and FarInfrared Absorption Frequency Standards 10250 | 10-250 |
Table of the Isotopes 1150 | 11-73 |
Neutron Scattering and Absorption Properties 11202 | 11-202 |
Techniques for Materials Characterization 121 | 12-1 |
Ionic Radii in Crystals 1214 | 12-16 |
The Madelung Constant and Crystal Lattice Energy 1236 | 12-36 |
Electrical Resistivity of Selected Alloys 1248 | 12-51 |
Properties of Superconductors 1264 | 12-64 |
High Temperature Superconductors 1291 | 12-91 |
Diffusion Data for Semiconductors 12108 | 12-108 |
Organic Magnets 12126 | 12-126 |
Optical Properties of Selected Inorganic and Organic Solids 12157 | 12-157 |
Elastooptic Electrooptic and Magnetooptic Constants 12179 | 12-179 |
Nonlinear Optical Constants 12196 | 12-196 |
Heat Capacity of Selected Solids 12218 | 12-218 |
Fermi Energy and Related Properties of Metals 12232 | 12-232 |
Glass Transition Temperature for Selected Polymers 137 | 13-13 |
Acceleration Due to Gravity 1412 | 14-2 |
Properties of Seawater 1415 | 14-15 |
Atmospheric Concentration of Carbon Dioxide 19582000 1428 | 14-29 |
Attenuation and Speed of Sound in Air as a Function of Humidity and Frequency 1443 | 14-43 |
Secondary Reference Points on the ITS90 Temperature Scale 1514 | 15-15 |
Density of Solvents as a Function of Temperature 1528 | 15-28 |
Characteristics of Particles and Particle Dispersoids 1541 | 15-41 |
Allocation of Frequencies in the Radio Spectrum 1553 | 15-54 |
Flammability of Chemical Substances 1616 | 16-16 |
Threshold Limits for Airborne Contaminants 1632 | 16-33 |
Protection Against Ionizing Radiation 1648 | 16-48 |
Differential Equations A56 | 16-59 |
The Error Function A98 | 98 |
Common terms and phrases
acetate acid acid OH AcOEt alcohol anhydride anthracenedione atomic bp/C den/g cm³ British thermal unit bromide Butyl bz i H₂O C₂H C₂H₂O carbon CAS RN Mol CH,NO CHINO chl i H₂O chl sl H₂O chloride CHNO compounds CS₂ Diethyl DMSO electron element ester ether Ethyl Ethylene glycol EtOH i H₂O EtOH sl F F F Form mp/c bp/C H OH HOAC hydrochloride iH₂O Isobutyl Isopropyl isotopes ketone magnetic mcl pr meter mp/c bp/C den/g msc EtOH msc H₂O Name Synonym Mol nd bz nd dil nd or pr nd peth NH2 OH OH H OH HO OH OH NH2 OH OH OH OH OH orth Phenyl phosphate phthalate Physical propanoate Propyl sl bz sl chl sl ctc sl EtOH sl H₂O Sodium sulfide temperature unit ye nd ОН