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Common terms and phrases
Althing answered Asgrim asked atonement bade Bergthora Bergthorsknoll Bjarni Bjorn booth Brodir brother busked called CHAPTER counsel death Earl Earl Sigurd east Easterling Eyjolf fared father fell fight Flosi Thord's gangrel gave Geir the priest Gizur the white Glum Grani Gudmund Gunnar rode Hall Hallbjorn Hallgerda hand Hauskuld Helgi Njal's Hildigunna Hill of Laws Hjallti Hogni horses Hrapp Hrut Iceland inquest Kari Kettle kinsman Kolskegg Lambi Lithend manslaughter methinks mind Mord Valgard's never Njal's sons Norway Otkell periphrasis quarrel ride rode home Runolf says Gunnar says Njal says Skarphedinn shield ship Sigmund Sigurd Skald Skamkell Skapti slain slaying Snorri sons of Sigfus spear spoke Starkad stood suit summoned sword talk tell Thangbrand thee thence Thing Thiostolf thither Thorgeir Craggeir Thorgerda Thorhall Thorir Thorkel Thorwald thou art thou hast thou shalt thou wilt thought Thrain told took witness utter weapons Woodcombe words wound
Popular passages
Page 144 - I take witness to this that I give notice of an assault laid down by law against Flosi, Thord's son, for that he rushed at Helgi, Njal's son and dealt him a brain, or a body, or a marrow wound, which proved a death-wound, and from which Helgi got his death. I say that in this suit he ought to be made a guilty man, an outlaw, not to be fed, not to be forwarded, not to be helped or harboured in any need. I say that all his goods are forfeited, half to me and half to the men of the Quarter, who have...
Page 141 - ... body, or a marrow wound against Flosi Thord's son, for that wound which proved a death wound, but Helgi got his death therefrom on such and such a spot, when Flosi Thord's son first rushed on Helgi Njal's son with an assault laid down by law. I give notice of this before five neighbours" — then he named them all by name — "I give this lawful notice. I give notice of a suit which Thorgeir Thorir's son has handed over to me.
Page 177 - 'Tis fittest that the beggar should bear the bag ; " and with that he took the banner from the staff and put it under his cloak. A little after Asmund the white was slain, and then the Earl was pierced through with a spear.
Page 141 - Then Mord took Thorgeir by the hand and named two witnesses to bear witness, "that Thorgeir Thorir's son hands me over a suit for manslaughter against Flosi Thord's son, to plead it for the slaying of Helgi Njal's son, with all those proofs which have to follow the suit. Thou handest over to me this suit to plead and to settle, and to enjoy all rights in it, as though I were the rightful next of kin. Thou handest it over to me by law, and I take it from thee by law.
Page 143 - Then Eyjolf arose, and Flosi too, and they took one another by the hand; and so Eyjolf undertook the whole defence of the suit off Flosi's hands, and so, too, if any suit arose out of the defence, for it often happens that what is a defence in one suit, is a plaintiff's plea in another. So he took upon him all the proofs and proceedings which belonged to those suits, whether they were to be pleaded before the Quarter Court or the Fifth Court. Flosi handed them over in lawful form, and Eyjolf took...
Page 109 - we will take this choice; but what weighty suits shall come before the court? " " These matters shall come before it," says Njal, — " all matters of contempt of the Thing, such as if men bear false witness, or utter a false finding; hither, too, shall come all those suits in which the Judges are divided in opinion in the Quarter Court; then they shall be summoned to the Fifth Court; so, too, if men offer bribes, or take them, for their help in suits. In this court all the oaths shall be of the...
Page 135 - take any atonement from thy sons, and now our dealings shall come to an end once for all, and I will not stir from this spot till they are all dead; but I will allow the women and children and house-carles to go out." Then Njal went into the house, and said to the fold, " Now all those must go out to whom leave is given, and so go thou out Thorhalla Asgrim's daughter, and all the people also with thee who may.
Page 141 - To bear witness," said he, " that I give notice of an assault laid down by law against Flosi Thord's son, for that he dealt Helgi Njal's son a brain, or a body, or a marrow wound, which proved a death wound; and from which Helgi got his death. I give notice of this before five witnesses "• — here he named them all by name — " I give this lawful notice. I give notice of a suit which Thorgeir Thorir's son has handed over to me.
Page 83 - ... was told, and that was why they dared not tell him of the token. Now those two, Skarphedinn and Hogni, were out of doors one evening by Gunnar's cairn on the south side. The moon and stars were shining clear and bright, but every now and then the clouds drove over them. Then all at once they thought they saw the cairn standing open, and lo! Gunnar had turned himself in the cairn and looked at the moon. They thought they saw four lights burning in the cairn, and none of them threw a shadow. They...
Page 135 - Then Flosi went to the door and called out to Njal, and said he would speak with him and Bergthora. Now Njal does so, and Flosi said — " I will offer thee, master Njal, leave to go out, for it is unworthy that thou shouldst burn indoors."