The Archaeology of Mediterranean PrehistoryEmma Blake, A. Bernard Knapp This book offers a comprehensive introduction to the archaeology of Mediterranean prehistory and an essential reference to the most recent research and fieldwork.
1 | |
2 Substances in Motion Neolithic Mediterranean Trade | 24 |
3 Agriculture Pastoralism and Mediterranean Landscapes in Prehistory | 46 |
4 Changing Social Relations in the Mediterranean Copper and Bronze Ages | 77 |
5 The Material Expression of Cult Ritual and Feasting | 102 |
6 The Gendered Sea Iconography Gender and Mediterranean Prehistory | 130 |
7 The Genesis of Monuments among the Mediterranean Islands | 156 |
8 Lithic Technologies and Use | 180 |
9 Archaeometallurgy in the Mediterranean The Social Context of Mining Technology and Trade | 215 |
10 Settlement in the Prehistoric Mediterranean | 252 |
11 Maritime Commerce and Geographies of Mobility in the Late Bronze Age of the Eastern Mediterranean Problematizations | 270 |
12 Museum Archaeology and the Mediterranean Cultural Heritage | 303 |
321 | |
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Accordia activities Aegean agricultural Anatolia Ancient Antiquity areas argued artifacts axes Barker British Archaeological Reports Broodbank burials Cambridge University Press Cave central century B.C. Chalcolithic complex contexts Copper Age Crete cult cultural Cycladic Cypriot Cyprus deposits domestic Early Bronze Age East eastern Mediterranean economic Egypt elite Europe evidence example excavations exchange exploitation figurines flint Franchthi Franchthi Cave gender Greece Greek Holocene islands Italy Journal of Archaeology Journal of Mediterranean Knapp Knossos Landscape Archaeology Late Bronze Age Late Neolithic Levant Lithic London Malta material Mediter Mediterranean Archaeology Mediterranean landscape Mediterranean prehistory Mesolithic metal Metallurgy Minoan monuments Muhly Museum Mycenaean nuraghi obsidian Oxbow Oxford palaces Peltenburg period Perlès pottery Pre-Pottery Neolithic Prehistoric production ranean region Renfrew Research ritual role Runnels Sardinia second millennium B.C. settlement sexual Sherratt Sicily smelting social societies southern Stoddart stone tools structures Studies suggest Technology temples third millennium B.C. tombs trade