Understanding and Application of Westminster Shorter Catechism |
Two Principal Questions | 8 |
Benefits of Redemption at Death | 123 |
The Fifth Commandment | 175 |
A Way to Escape the Wrath | 237 |
What is Prayer? | 271 |
The Lords Prayer | 280 |
The First Petition | 290 |
The Second Petition | 296 |
The Third Petition | 302 |
The Fourth Petition | 309 |
The Fifth Petition | 316 |
The Sixth Petition | 323 |
The Conclusion | 332 |
Bibliography | 339 |
Common terms and phrases
Acts Adam answers apply believe in Jesus benefits Bible blessing body of Christ Catechism Q commit confession Consider Corinthians Covenant of Grace covetousness creatures Describe desires Deuteronomy effectual calling enjoy Ephesians eternal evil faith in Jesus faith-life Father feel Find following verses forgiveness give glorify glory God's children God's grace God's love God's Word gospel grace of redemption heart Hebrews Holy Spirit Jesus Christ John justice keep king kingdom of heaven Larger Catechism LESSON life-places live Lord Lord's Prayer Lord's Supper Matthew means mercy mind misery neighbor obedience obey ourselves participate petition praise pray Prov Psalm question receive redemption of Jesus relationship repentance Restate righteousness Romans Sabbath sacraments salvation sanctification Savior says Scriptures Share Shorter Catechism sinful nature sinners teach Ten Commandments thanks Thess Thessalonians things Timothy truth unto Westminster Shorter Catechism worship Write your thoughts