Dictionary of National Biography, Volume 15

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Leslie Stephen
Macmillan, 1888 - Great Britain

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Page 151 - In expressing slowness of apprehension, this actor surpassed all others. You could see the first dawn of an idea stealing slowly over his countenance, climbing up by little and little, with a painful process, till it cleared up at last to the fulness of a twilight conception — its highest meridian.
Page 29 - The performance was regarded by Forster as in itself 'illegitimate,' and Forster's protest led to a 'painful correspondence.' In any case, it involved an excitement and a degree of physical labour which told severely upon his declining strength. He was to give weekly readings in London alternately with readings in the country. In February 1869 he was forced to suspend his work under medical advice. After a few days' rest he began again, in spite of remonstrances from his friends and family. At last...
Page 55 - He wrote against popery, and embraced it; he was a zealous opposer of the court, and a sacrifice for it...
Page 424 - God hath given us so good a day in forcing the enemy so far to leeward as I hope in God the Prince of Parma and the Duke of Sidonia shall not shake hands this few days; and whensoever they shall meet, I believe neither of them will greatly rejoice of this day's service.
Page 426 - He was more skilful in all points of navigation than any that ever was before his time, in his time, or since his death ; he was also of a perfect memory, great observation, eloquent by nature, skilful in artillery, expert and apt to let blood, and give physic unto his people, according to the climate ; he was low of stature, of strong limbs, broad-breasted, round-headed, brown hair, full bearded, his eyes round, large, and clear, wellfavoured, fair, and of a cheerful countenance.
Page 394 - We brake down 1000 Pictures superstitious; I brake down 200; 3 of God the Father, and 3 of Christ, and the Holy Lamb, and 3 of the Holy Ghost like a Dove with Wings; and the 12 Apostles were carved in Wood, on the top of the Roof, which we gave orders to take down; and the Sun and the Moon in the East Window, by the King's Arms, to be taken down.
Page 429 - DRAKE (Francis). EBORACUM : or the History and Antiquities of the City of York, from its Original to the Present Times, Together with the History of the Cathedral Church, and the Lives of the Archbishops...
Page 338 - The Peerage of Scotland, containing an Historical and Genealogical Account of the Nobility of that Kingdom...
Page 422 - Lordships to persevere as you have began, for that with fifty sail of shipping we shall do more good upon their own coast, than a great many more will do here at home ; and the sooner we are gone, the better we shall be able to impeach them.
Page 422 - Highness the imminent dangers that in my simple opinion do hang over us: that if a good peace for your Majesty be not forthwith concluded — which I as much as any man desireth — then these great preparations of the Spaniard may be speedily prevented as much as in your Majesty lieth, by sending your forces to encounter them somewhat far off, and more near their own coasts, which will be the better cheap-' for your Majesty and people, and much the dearer for the enemy.

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