Agriculture and Rural Life Day: Material for Its Observance. Bulletin, 1913, No. 43. Whole Number 553

Front Cover
ERIC Clearinghouse, 1913 - 75 pages
In several States one day in the fall of the year is set apart as "Agriculture and Rural-Life Day," to be observed in the schools in such ways as to emphasize the importance of agriculture to the nation and to the world of mankind, to call attention to the worth and worthiness of the tillage of the soil, the cultivation of plants, and the breeding and care of animals as an occupation and profession, and to reveal something of the beauty and glory of simple and sane life in the open country. In other States exercises appropriate to this purpose are held in connection with Arbor Day, Thanksgiving, or the Harvest Home celebration. Those who know children best will appreciate most fully the possibilities of this day and the importance of making it's program both interesting and instructive. This bulletin contains material selected and arranged for that purpose. It is organized into the following parts: (1) Man's struggle for food; (2) The application of science to agriculture; (3) Men influential in improving agriculture; (4) Our domestic animals; (5) Our leading agriculture products; (6) A study of our forests; and (7) Appropriate songs and selections. A bibliography and index is included. [Best copy available has been provided.].

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