Molière, by mrs. Oliphant and F. Tarver

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W. Blackwood and Sons, 1879 - 192 pages

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Page 160 - It appears to me that you place them differently from what they are; that the heart is on the left side, and the liver on the right.
Page 152 - My mind is wandering, and I know not where I am, who I am, and what I am doing. Alas! my poor money! my poor money! my...
Page 104 - I have therefore determined to live with her as if she were not my wife; but if you knew what I suffer you would pity me.
Page 123 - I want to clap my hands, raise my arm, look upwards, stoop my head, move my feet, go to the right, to the left, forwards, backwards, turn round— [He falls on the ground.
Page 104 - My passion has risen to such a height that it goes the length of entering with sympathy even into her concerns ; and when I consider how impossible it is for me to overcome my love for her, I say to myself that she may have the same difficulty in subduing her inclinations, and I feel accordingly more disposed to pity her than to blame her.
Page 113 - • Dorine goes on to say that her mistress had consented to be bled. " And Tartuffe ? " "He took courage like a man ; and, fortifying his soul against all evils, to make up for the blood which madame had lost, he drank at dejeuner four good beakers of wine.
Page 104 - I found so much indifference in her that I began to perceive...
Page 153 - ... tell me. Is he not hidden among you? They are all looking at me, and laughing in my face. You will see that they have, no doubt, a share in the robbery. Come quickly, magistrates, policeofficers, provosts, judges, instruments of torture, gibbets, and executioners. I will have the whole world hanged; and if I do not recover my money, I will hang myself afterwards.
Page 120 - ... would tell him plainly to his face : " Dare you thus jest with Heaven, and do you not tremble to laugh, as you do, at things the most sacred ? Does it become you, you little earthworm, you mannikin that you are (I speak to the master I mentioned), does it become you to wish to turn into ridicule what all men revere ? Do you think that because you are a man of rank, because you wear a fair and well-curled wig, have some feathers in your hat, a gold-laced coat, and flame-coloured...

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