Anglia: Zeitschrift für englische Philologie, Volume 18M. Niemeyer, 1896 - Comparative linguistics |
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Page 340 - In fact, Doctor Blimber's establishment was a great hot-house, in which there was a forcing apparatus incessantly at work. All the boys blew before their time. Mental green-peas were produced at Christmas, and intellectual asparagus all the year round.
Page 233 - There was the dreary Sunday of his childhood, when he sat with his hands before him, scared out of his senses by a horrible tract which commenced business with the poor child by asking him in its title, why he was going to Perdition...
Page 220 - I not be forgiven for thinking it a wonderful testimony to my being made for my art, that when, in the midst of this trouble and pain, I sit down to my book, some beneficent power shows it all to me, and tempts me to be interested, and I don't invent it — really do not — but see it, and write it down.
Page 26 - ... during the few days she lived. This behaviour threw Mrs. Johnson into unspeakable agonies, and for a time she sunk under the weight of so cruel a disappointment. But soon after, roused by indignation, she inveighed against his cruelty in the bitterest terms; and, sending for a lawyer, made her will, bequeathing her fortune by her own name to charitable uses. This was done in the presence of Dr. Sheridan, whom she appointed one of her executors.
Page 52 - Heaven intends, Take pity on your pitying friends ! Nor let your ills affect your mind, To fancy they can be unkind. Me, surely me, you ought to spare, Who gladly would your...
Page 334 - The usefulness of that work (to my mind, in several respects, the greatest he has written) is with many persons seriously diminished, because Mr. Bounderby is a dramatic monster, instead of a characteristic example of a worldly master ; and Stephen Blackpool a dramatic perfection, instead of a characteristic example of an honest workman.
Page 49 - I never was in such agonies as when I received your letter, and had it in my pocket. I am able to hold up my sorry head no longer.
Page 4 - Do you know what ? when I am writing in our language, I make up my mouth just as if I was speaking it. I caught myself at it just now.
Page 33 - ... room, but it was necessary, on account of air, that the door should not be closed : it was half shut, — the rooms were close adjoining. Mrs Whiteway had too much honour to listen, but could not avoid observing, that the Dean and Mrs Johnson conversed together in a low tone ; the latter, indeed, was too weak to raise her voice. Mrs Whiteway paid no attention, having no idle curiosity, but at length she heard the Dean say, in an audible voice, ' Well, my dear, if you wish it, it shall be owned,'...
Page 226 - I have always striven in my writings to express veneration for the life and lessons of our Saviour ; because I feel it ; and because I rewrote that history for my children — every one of whom knew it from having it repeated to them, long before they could read, and almost as soon as they could speak. But I have never made proclamation of this from the house-tops.