Dictionary of National Biography, Volume 12Leslie Stephen Macmillan, 1887 - Great Britain |
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The Dictionary of National Biography: Founded in 1882 by George Smith, Volume 12 Leslie Stephen,Sir Sidney Lee No preview available - 1921 |
Common terms and phrases
afterwards appeared appointed April archbishop Artists Athenæ became Bible bishop born Brit British Museum brother buried Cambridge Captain chancellor chapel Charles church College command Constable Conway Cooke Cooper Coote Copley Corbet Corbridge Cornwallis Cornysshe Corrie Cosin Cotton court Courtenay Covent Garden Coventry daugh daughter death Dict died Dublin Duke Earl edition eldest elected England English engraved father France French Gent George Henry Henry VIII Hist History honour House of Commons House of Lords Ireland Irish James July June king king's Lady letter London Lord March married master Memoirs ment Oxford painter Papers parliament poem portrait Prince printed published Queen Randle Cotgrave received regiment resigned returned Richard Robert Royal Academy Scotland sent Sept Shaftesbury ships Sir John Society Society of Jesus Suffolk Thomas tion took translated Trinity College wife writing wrote
Popular passages
Page 5 - I do not know what I may appear to the world, but to myself I seem to have been only like a boy playing on the sea-shore, and diverting myself in now and then finding a smoother pebble or a prettier shell than ordinary, whilst the great ocean of truth lay all undiscovered before me.
Page 217 - SPECIMENS OF THE EARLY POETRY OF FRANCE, from the Time of the Troubadours and Trouveres to the Reign of Henri Quatre, by LOUISA STUART COSTELLO.
Page 59 - ... struggle, he naturally turned to the rock, and was endeavouring to support himself by it, when a savage gave him a blow with a club, and he was seen alive no more. They hauled him up lifeless on the rocks, where they seemed to take a savage pleasure in using every barbarity to his dead body, snatching the daggers out of each other's hands, to have the horrid satisfaction of piercing the fallen victim of their barbarous rage.
Page 77 - Discoursed most about plays and the Opera, where, among other vanities, Captain Cooke had the arrogance to say that he was fain to direct Sir W. Davenant in the breaking of his verses into such and such lengths, according as would be fit for musick, and how he used to swear at Davenant, and command him that way, when W. Davenant would be angry, and find fault with this or that note — a vain coxcomb he is, though he sings and composes so well.
Page 215 - An Answer to the two first and principall Treatises of a certeine factious libell, put foorth latelie, . . . vnder the title of An Abstract . . .
Page 274 - CERTAIN MOST GODLY, FRUITFUL, AND COMFORTABLE LETTERS of such true Saintes and holy Martyrs of God, as in the late bloodye persecution here within this Realme, gaue their lyues for the defence of Christes holy gospel : written in the tyme of theyr affliction and cruell imprysonment, Imprinted at London by John Day, dwelling ouer Aldersgate, beneath St.
Page 195 - Now, my dear friend, what is our plan? Without one we cannot succeed, and I assure you that I am quite tired of marching about the country in quest of adventures. If we mean an offensive war in America, we must abandon New York and bring our whole force into Virginia; we then have a stake to fight for, and a successful battle may give us America.
Page 239 - Cotton. I was not only treated by him with the greatest tenderness while I was ill, and attended with the utmost diligence, but when my reason was restored to me, and I had so much need of a religious friend to converse with, to whom I could open my mind upon the subject without reserve, I could hardly hstve found a fitter person for the purpose.
Page 140 - Songs of Mourning: Bewailing the untimely death of Prince Henry. Worded by Tho. Campion, And set forth to be sung -with one voyce to the Lute, or Viol: By John Coprario.
Page 270 - Many of them then ran t"frer*'' after Father Coverdale, who took that occasion to preach the more constantly : but yet with much fear, so that he would not be known where he preached, though many came to his house, to ask where he would preach the next Lord's day.