Tenebre O Tenebrae |
Synopsis | 1 |
The primal scene in Tenebrae | 7 |
Tenebrae and issues | 19 |
Copyright | |
4 other sections not shown
Common terms and phrases
Alan Jones amateur detective Argento's film argued Arthur Conan assault beach scene Bird camera Captain Giermani character Chris Barber Christiano Berti cinema classical detective Claudio Claudio Simonetti Coatti Conan Doyle confirmed crime Crystal Plumage Dalmas Daria Nicolodi Dario Argento death depicted detective fiction diegesis director Elsa encounter erotic example female body female victims flashback scene flashback structure focus Freud gallery gaze gender genre giallo Gianni horror Ibid identified identity images inability indicates initial Inspector Morrosini killed killer Lacan lesbian lover Maitland McDonagh male Maria marked mastery McDonagh mirror stage Monthly Film Bulletin Mulvey Mulvey's mutilation narrative Neal's noir obsession opening murder pattern Peter Neal photographing primal scene production protagonist Purloined Letter razor recollection replicated role Rome scenario sequence sexual shot Slavoj Žižek spectator Strick subjective Suspiria Symbolic Tenebrae Tenebrae's thriller Tilda transgressive traumatic Turim unresolved viewer violence visual investigation voyeurism Windibank Wolf Man"s women writer Žižek