Gideon's TrumpetThis is a true story about Clarence Earl Gideon, a semi-literate drifter, who is arrested for breaking into a pool room and is accused of felony theft. When he asks the Florida state court to appoint a lawyer for his defense because he cannot afford one, his request is denied. Acting as his own lawyer, Gideon is convicted and sent to jail. While in prison, he begins a hand-written campaign directed to the U.S. Supreme Court, contending that every defendant is entitled to legal representation. The Court agrees to hear Gideon's case, and, in a landmark decision, rules in his favor. Gideon is given a new trial and is found innocent and U.S. legal history is changed forever. His case resulted in the landmark U.S. Supreme Court decision Gideon v. Wainwright (1963), holding that a criminal defendant who cannot afford to hire a lawyer must be provided with a lawyer at no cost. |
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Abe Fortas accused Alabama American amicus brief appeal appointment of counsel argued asked attorney Bartkus Bay Harbor Poolroom bench Bill of Rights Brady Brandeis Bruce Jacob called charge Chief Justice claim Clarence Earl Gideon Cochran conference Constitution conviction Cook crime criminal law criminal procedure decided decision defendant dissent doctrine due process due-process clause fair trial federal courts felony filed Florida Supreme Court forma pauperis Fortas's Fourteenth Amendment fundamental Government habeas corpus Illinois indigent issue Jacob Judge McCrary judicial jury Justice Black Justice Frankfurter Justice Harlan Justice Stewart Krash later law clerks Law School lawyer ment Mentz non-capital opinion oral argument overruling Betts Panama City person poor preme Court prison process of law Professor prosecution prosecutor question record right to counsel rule of Betts sentence Sixth Amendment special circumstances statute tion tried Turner United vote Washington wrote York