Ancient Civilizations: The Illustrated Guide to Belief, Mythology and Art

כריכה קדמית
Duncan Baird, 2005 - 688 עמודים
From the Publisher: From the dazzling temples of the Acropolis to the strange and enigmatic glyphs of the Maya, Ancient Civilizations takes readers on a fascinating journey back in time. This richly illustrated book explores the beliefs, rituals, arts and myths of ancient cultures across the world, beginning with the first civilizations of the Fertile Crescent and progressing to the early Middle Ages. Informative, accessible text and gorgeous, detailed photographs of art work and sacred sites give readers real insight into our ancient ancestors' daily lives. Special emphasis is given to symbols, sacred texts, religious ceremonies, gods and goddesses, visions of the cosmos, and sacred sites. If you've ever felt drawn to the magic, legends, and mysteries of the past, this is the perfect book for both reading pleasure and reference.

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Ancient Civilizations
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