Hayek: A Collaborative Biography: Part IX: The Divine Right of the 'Free' MarketRobert Leeson F. A. von Hayek (1899-1992) was a Nobel Prize winning economist, famous for promoting an Austrian version of classical liberalism. This multi-volume biography examines the evolution of his life and influence. In this ninth volume of Leeson's collaborative biography of Friedrich August von Hayek, a variety of well-known contributors discuss Hayek's views on the divine right of the market taking democratic and free-market principles into account. |
1 | |
FaithBased Economics | 63 |
Hayek Mises and the Iron Rule of Unintended Consequences | 131 |
Accelerating the Climate of Hate The Austrian School of Economics Hayek and The New Hate | 174 |
Christian Reconstructionism and the Austrian School of Economics | 191 |
The Genealogy of Jaime Guzmáns Subsidiary State | 248 |
Hayek Thatcher and the Muddle of the Middle | 263 |
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According American Angeles Archives Auburn Austrian Economics Austrian School became Berlet Boettke British Buchanan Caldwell Center for Oral Chicago Press Chile Chilean Chitester date unspecified Christian Reconstruction Christian Reconstructionism cited Collaborative Biography conservative Cubitt date unspecified 1978 democratic dictatorship economists F.A. Hayek Fascism Foundation free market Freedom Friedman Friedrich Hayek Guzmán Habsburg Hitler http://oralhistory.library.ucla.edu Hülsmann ideas intellectual interviewed by Robert Jewish Jews Kendrick Keynes Keynesian Leeson Leo Rosten liberal libertarian Liberty London Ludwig von Mises Luhnow Lutheran Mises Institute Mont Pelerin Society movement Murray Rothbard National Nazi Nordic North November 1978 Center Oral History Research oralhistory.library.ucla.edu Palgrave Macmillan Party Passport Pinochet political regime religious Retrieved right-wing Road to Serfdom Robert Chitester date Rushdoony Rushdoony's School of Economics secular Sennholz Skousen social democracy Thatcher theology theory tion tradition unions University of California University of Chicago University Press unspecified 1978 Center Vienna visa Volker Fund York