Tree and Leaf: The Homecoming of Beorhtnoth : Beorhthelm's Son"Fairy-stories are not just for children...In his essay On Fairy-stories, Tolkien discusses the nature of fairy-tales and fantasy and rescues the genre from those who would relegate it to juvenilia...the short story Leaf by Niggle...recounts the story of the artist, Niggle, who has 'a long journey to make' and is seen as an allegory of Tolkien's life...The poem Mythopoeia, in which the author Philomythus, 'Lover of myth', confounds the opinion of Misomythus, 'Hater of myth'...[and finally] the Homecoming of Beorhtnoth,...a dramatic poem which takes up the story following the disastrous Battle of Maldon in 991, where the English commander Beorhtnoth was killed."--back cover. |