Lightning FusionBy the grace of GOD I have discovered the greatest invention since the caveman made FIRE with two sticks. Join with me in spreading the news to implement this FUSION process and eliminate the energy crisis forever-Hello, my name is Solomon Azar- and I fundamentally believe I HAVE FOUND THE ROAD TO SAFE CLEAN NUCLEAR FUSION- I have performed an experiment never done before in science- I used a Tesla coil for its use in high voltage high frequency and apply its discharge plasma not upon the dielectric of free air- but to the dielectric of water itself-time will tell I solved the energy 13-2008-nothing changed-well a little now august 7 2021 |
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Abraham AGE OF UNITY Allentown alternating current ancient atom Azar Goshnasp believe called century charged particles child Cold Fusion connections Coulomb barrier David Bowie discharge electrode eagle earth electric electrode electrode assembly energy crisis entity equation expansion vector fire fuel function fundamental gods gravity heavens high frequency high voltage hiking Hiram human hydrogen Lehigh Lehigh River lightning bolt liquid live magnetic field magnetic permeability magnetic pinch effect mankind Medicine Hat messages of unity messenger mission movie nation neutron NFG system nuclear fusion oscillating peace planet plasma arc plasma channel plasma current plasma discharge plasma zone Pontiac firebird proton quanta quest for fire relative relativistic mass relativistic speeds resonant rest mass Semitic serpent Solomon speed of light spirit STARMAN stars story temperature Temple Tesla coil thru space truck understand velocity vessel WARRIORS FROZEN wavelength whereby words of unity