Harper's History of the War in the PhilippinesMarrion Wilcox |
Common terms and phrases
21 Minnesota 9 May 9 Admiral Dewey advance Aguinaldo American army Artillery attack August Bacoor battalion battery brigade Caloocan Calumpit Captain captured Cavalry Cavité Cebú Colonel command Company Corporal Dato discharged enemy eral February fight Filipinos fire force Fort Scott Frank Fred George guns Harry Ilo Ilo Infantry insurgents intrenched Iowa islands James John Joló July June June 18 June 21 Kansas Kansas Farmer Kansas Laborer Kansas Student killed Laguna de Bay land Lawton Lincoln Luzon Macabebe scouts MacArthur Major Malolos Manila March Marilao ment miles military Mindanao Minneapolis Minnesota Musician Muster natives Nebraska night November officers Otis Pasig Pasig River Paul Philippines prisoners Private Private province Red Wing regiment reported rifles river road scouts Second Lieutenant sent Sergeant shot soldiers Spain Spaniards Spanish Stillwater surgents Tarlac tion town trenches troops United Wheaton William wounded