Springfield Present and Prospective: The City of HomesJames Eaton Tower |
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Springfield Present and Prospective: The City of Homes Eugene Clarence Gardner No preview available - 2022 |
Springfield Present and Prospective: The City of Homes Eugene Clarence Gardner No preview available - 2022 |
Common terms and phrases
A. D. Copeland Agawam American International college architecture Armory association avenue Baptist beautiful Boston bridge building Cabotville cars cents Chapin Charles Chester W Chicopee church citizens Clifton Johnson concerts Congregational Connecticut corner of Main Court square Dwight E. J. Lazelle Edward Bellamy England erected established festival field fire Forbes & Wallace Forest Park George growth H. E. Bosworth hall Hampden Hampden County Hampden park Henry high school Holyoke hundred incorporated Indian Orchard industrial institution interest James John Joseph land located Main street manufacture Massachusetts Michael's cathedral Mount Tom national bank occupied organized parish pastor population present president Pynchon railroad Republican river Samuel Bowles Smith social Spring Thomas tion town trade treasurer Union Watershops Wesson West Springfield William William Pynchon women Women's club
Popular passages
Page 112 - THIS is the Arsenal. From floor to ceiling, Like a huge organ, rise the burnished arms ; But from their silent pipes no anthem pealing Startles the villages with strange alarms. Ah ! what a sound will rise, how wild and dreary, When the death-angel touches those swift keys ! What loud lament and dismal Miserere Will mingle with their awful symphonies...
Page 151 - Society demands that a young man shall be somebody, not only, but that he shall prove his right to the title ; and it has a right to demand this. Society will not take this matter upon trust — at least, not for a long time, for it has been cheated too frequently. Society is not very particular what a man does, so that it prove him to be a man : then it will bow to him, and make room for him.
Page 54 - ... a book for registering the names of the numerous applicants. As a vacancy occurred, I had only to notify the next on the list, and it was filled. I do not think any artist in this country ever enjoyed more popularity than I did ; but popularity is often easily won, and as easily lost. Mr. Stuart, the greatest portrait painter this country ever produced, was at that time in his manhood's strength as a painter; yet he was idle half the winter. He would ask of his friends, " How rages the Harding...
Page 44 - All of these rooms are wel^ lighted by large and mimerous windows, and some of them receive light through the low roof which covers the main part of the mechanical wing. The rear of this wing is carried up two stories higher than the main part; and on the first of these additional stories are three rooms, one for electrical work, another for wood finishing, and another for freehand drawing. The top floor of this elevated portion is to be entirely given over to the department of mechanical drawing,...
Page 121 - ... lly. Wee intend, by God's grace, as soon as we can, with all convenient speede, to procure some Godly and faithfull minister, with whome we purpose to joyne in church covenant, to walk in all the ways of Christ.
Page 92 - Sect. 4. If any person, licensed to be a retailer as aforesaid, shall sell any of the above liquors, either mixed or unmixed, to be used in or about his house or shop, he shall forfeit for each offence twenty dollars.
Page 154 - The advantages of a weekly meeting, for conversation, might be great enough to repay the trouble of attendance, if they consisted only in supplying a point of union to well-educated and thinking women, in a city which, with great pretensions to mental refinement, boasts, at present, nothing of the kind...
Page 154 - While Margaret Fuller and her adult pupils sat "gorgeously dressed," talking about Mars and Venus, Plato and Goethe, and fancying themselves the elect of the earth in intellect and refinement, the liberties of the republic were running out as fast as they could go, at a breach which another sort of elect persons were devoting themselves to repair; and my complaint against the "gorgeous...
Page 82 - It was not long," says Cotton Mather, ' ' before the Massachuset Colony was become like a hive overstocked with bees, and many of the new inhabitants entertained thoughts of swarming into plantations extended further into the country The fame of Connecticut River, a long, fresh, rich river, had made a little Nilus of it, in the expectation of the good people about the Massachuset Bay, whereupon many of the planters, belonging especially to the towns of Cambridge, Dorchester, Watertown, and Roxbury,...
Page 24 - American system to beat their breasts and, in some cases, to make public repentance; but "the evil which men do lives after them while the good is oft interred with their bones!