Miscellaneous Bills: Hearing Before the Committee on Naval Affairs, United States Senate, Seventy-eighth Congress, First Session, on S. 176, a Bill for the Relief of Austin L. Tierney ; S. 184, a Bill to Provide for the Presentation of Silver Medals to Certain Members of the Peary Polar Expedition of 1908-09 ; S. 304, a Bill for the Relief of Capt. Richard Rothwell, United States Marine Corps ; S. 305, a Bill for the Relief of Master Gunnery Sgt. Eugene M. Martin, United States Marine Corps ; S. 306, a Bill to Provide for the Reimbursement of Certain Navy Personnel for Personal Property Lost as a Result of the Disaster at the East Base, Antarctica, on March 21, 1941 ; S. 393, a Bill for the Relief of William Kovatis ; S. 301, a Bill to Authorize the Secretary of the Navy to Grant Easements for Rights-of-way Over, Across, In, and Upon Naval Reservations ; S. 303, a Bill to Extend the Jurisdiction of Naval Courts Martial in Time of War Or National Emergency to Certain Persons Outside the Continental Limits of the United States; Statement of Frank M. Folsom, Assistant Chief in Charge of Procurement, Navy Department, with Reference to the Navy Insurance Program ; January 26, 1943U.S. Government Printing Office, 1943 - 16 halaman |