IndonesiaThis is an up-to-date travel guide to Indone sia. It provides an easy-to-use A-Z section of places to vis it, divided into regions, with each entry given a rating. Th e restaurants and hotels are recommended in three price band s to suit all pockets ' |
Common terms and phrases
accommodation Aceh Agung air-conditioned airport Ambon archipelago Bali Bali's Baliem Valley Balinese bamboo Banda Batak batik Batu beach bemo Besar birds boats Borobudur Buddhist Bugis Bukit Bukittinggi bungalows Candi carved central centre century Chinese Cirebon coast colonial colourful coral crafts crater culture Danau Dayak Diparda Dutch east fishing Flores forest gamelan garden Gunung Hindu Hotel houses ikat Indonesia inhabitants Irian Jaya Islam island Jakarta Jalan Jend Java Java's Javanese Kalimantan Kepulauan Komodo Kota Kraton Kuta lake lies located Lombok Majapahit Maluku Manado mandi Mataram Medan Merdeka Mesjid Minangkabau mosque mountain Museum Muslim numerous Nusa Tenggara offers Padang palace Pantai park Pasar pool port Pulau Pura Rantepao Raya reefs region Reserve restaurant river road rooms Sasak Selat snorkelling Sudirman Sulawesi Sultan Sumatra Sumbawa superb Surabaya Taman Tanjung Teluk temple Timor Torajan tourist office town traditional tropical Ujung Valley village visitors volcano wayang Yogyakarta