The ʻOpus majusʾ of Roger Bacon, Volume 1Williams and Norgate, 1900 |
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aequinoctium Alchemy Alfraganus angulos Aristoteles Aristotle astrology astronomi astronomia astronomus Augustinus Averroes Avicenna Bacon Bacon's Beda bodies body called CAPITULUM case centrum century CHAPTER Church coeli cujus Deus diameter dicit Hieronymus dicitur distance ecclesiae Euphrates first force form further Galilaea given great greater Greek habet Hieronymus hujus hujusmodi ideo Israel knowledge known less libro life light luna Lunae made mare mare Rubrum mathematica matter milliaria moon multiplicatio object omnibus oportet Opus Majus Opus Tertium orientem PAGES parte Pascha passage patet philosophiae philosophy place Plinius point possunt potest propter Ptolemaeus Quapropter quatuor quinque quoniam rays reflected refraction respectu same sancti sapientiae says science scientia scilicet scriptura second secundum Seneca sicut similiter sine solis solum species sphere stars study subject super surface tamen Tanais Tartari terrae theology things three time treatise tunc usque view vision whole work world years
Popular passages
Page 375 - Their names are Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricornus, Aquarius, Pisces; the whole occupying a complete circle, or broad belt, in the heavens, called the Zodiac.
Page xiv - MS. at the end of the sixteenth or beginning of the seventeenth century. A glance at the MS.
Page lxxii - ... that the ratio of the sines of the angles of incidence and refraction is constant for refraction in the same medium, was effected by Snell and Descartes.
Page 302 - Caspium mare habitare praecepit ; quos usque in hodiernum diem amplissimis generis sui incrementis consistere atque exinde quandoque erupturos opinio est. Et magister in historiis addit, quod Alexander magnus conclusos ibi invenit, et ob malitiam eorum arctius eos constrinxit, quos tamen egressuros circa finem mundi testatur, et magnam stragem hominum esse facturos.
Page lii - England, Michael Scot, Hermann the German, William of Moerbeke, otherwise called the Fleming. Of these, Gerard, Scot, and Hermann translated from Arabic versions. Gerard spent many years in Spain, attained a thorough knowledge of Arabic, and translated Ptolemy's Almagest, and Aristotle's Meteorologies, also the astronomy of Alfraganus, several works of Alkindi, and, almost certainly, the Optics of Alhazen. He died in 1187. Michael Scot flourished in the first half of the thirteenth century. He was...
Page 292 - ... elongationem a sole, sed frigus multiplicat humores ; et ideo a polo in polum decurrit aqua in corpus maris et extenditur inter finem Hispaniae et inter principium Indiae non magnae latitudinis, et vocatur Oceanus ; ut principium Indiae possit esse multum ultra medietatem aequinoctialis circuli sub terra accedens valde ad finem Hispaniae. Sed ne...
Page 105 - Sed in mathe- ^PJL°f cer" matica possumus devenire ad plenam veritatem sine errore, et ad omnium certitudinem sine dubitatione : quoniam in ea convenit haberi demonstrationem per causam propriam et necessariam.
Page 66 - Burgundos multiplici variatur idiomate. Et quod proprie dicitur in idiomate Picardorum horrescit apud Burgundos, immo apud Gallicos viciniores : quanto igitur magis accidet hoc apud linguas diversas? Quapropter, quod bene factum est in una lingua, non est possibile ut transferatur in aliam secundum ejus proprietatem quam habuerit in priori. Unde Hieronymus, in epístola de óptimo genere interpretandi, sic dicit, ' Si ad verbum interpreter, absurdum resonat...
Page xxv - One man I know, and one only, who can be praised for his achievements in this science. Of discourses and battles of words he takes no heed: he follows the works of wisdom, and in these finds rest. What others strive to see dimly and blindly, like bats in twilight, he gazes at in the full light of day, because he is a master of experiment. Through experiment he gains knowledge of natural things, medical, chemical, indeed of everything in the heavens or earth. He is ashamed that things should be known...
Page lxxvi - treats of the generation of things from their elements, and of all inanimate things — as of the elements and liquids (humores) simple and compound; common stones, gems, and marbles ; gold, and other metals ; sulphur, salts, pigments, lapis lazuli, minium, and other...