The Deipnosophists; Or, Banquet of the Learned, Volume 3

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H.G. Bohn, 1854 - Gastronomy - 1252 pages
The author of The Deipnosophists was an Egyptian, born in Naucratis, a town on the left side of the Canopic Mouth of the Nile. The age in which he lived is somewhat uncertain, but his work, at least the latter portion of it, must have been written after the death of Ulpian the lawyer, which happened A.D. 228. Athenaeus appears to have been imbued with a great love of learning, in the pursuit of which he indulged in the most extensive and multifarious reading; and the principal value of his work is, that by its copious quotations it preserves to us large fragments from the ancient poets, which would otherwise have perished. There are also one or two curious and interesting extracts in prose; such, for instance, as the account of the gigantic ship built by Ptolemmus Philopator, extracted from a lost work of Callixenus of Rhodes. The work commences, in imitation of Plato's Phaedo, with a dialogue, in which Athenaeus and Timocrates supply the place of Phaedo and Echecrates. The former relates to his friend the conversation which passed at a banquet given at the house of Laurentius, a noble Roman, between some of the guests, the best known of whom are Galen and Ulpian. Athenaeus was also the author of a book entitled, On the Kings of Syria, of which no portion has come down to us.

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Page 819 - Olympian brow More swift than Mars, and more than Vulcan slow ? Yet Vulcan conquers, and the God of arms Must pay the penalty for lawless charms.
Page 1111 - The heroes' happy isles shall be The bright abode allotted thee. I'll wreathe my sword in myrtle bough, The sword that laid Hipparchus low, When at Minerva's adverse fane He knelt and never rose again. While freedom's name is understood, You shall delight the wise and good ; You dared to set your country free, And gave her laws equality.
Page 1136 - And he who meditates on other's woes Shall in that meditation lose his own : Call, then, the tragic poet to your aid, Hear him, and take instruction from the stage ; Let Telephus appear; behold a prince, A spectacle of poverty and pain, Wretched in both.— And what if you are poor?
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Page 1127 - A third conceived With due submission it might be a plant. The difference methought was such, that each Might keep his own opinion and be right; But soon a bolder voice broke up the council, And, stepping forward, a Sicilian quack Told them their question was abuse of time, — It was a cabbage, neither more nor less, And they were fools to prate so much about it.
Page 1123 - There is a certain hospitable air In a friend's house, that tells me I am welcome: The porter opens to me with a smile ; The yard dog wags his tail, the servant runs, Beats up the cushion, spreads the couch, and says — Sit down, good Sir!
Page 813 - Translation (though published at so low a price) is more complete than any other. The Notes are placed beneath the text.
Page 1199 - Alcaeus strung his sounding lyre, And smote it with a hand of fire, To Sappho, fondest of the fair, Chanting the loud and lofty air. Whilst old Anacreon, wet with wine, And crown'd with wreaths of Lesbiau vine To his unnatural minion sung Ditties that put to blush the young.
Page 1156 - I will put by to be resolv'd in this. B. There is a juice drawn from the Carpin tree, To which your dove instinctively is wedded With a most loving appetite ; with this...

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