SparkTeach Julius CaesarEverything you need to teach Julius Caesar to today's students, Whether you're teaching in the classroom, facilitating remote learning, or homeschooling, you'll find SparkTeach guides will engage your students in Shakespeare's most popular and enduring plays. Lesson plan materials, worksheets, projects, discussion questions, and more are all rolled into one comprehensive guide. This SparkTeach guide contains: Dozens of lesson activities aligned to Common Core State Standards, Real-Life Lens Lesson plans that help readers explore the play's key themes through a relatable lens, Dynamic projects for students to display mastery of the text in creative ways, Poetics Lessons to help students explore literary devices, Comparative Film Lessons, Suggestions for differentiated instruction, Reproducible worksheets and assessments that build reading, vocabulary, and critical-thinking skills, Answer keys and a rubric for student assessment, Also included are tips for class planning and management, dozens of ideas for personalizing content, paired text recommendations, and more. Pick up the SparkTeach guides for your classroom and engage your students in literature study that's meaningful, creative, and fun. Book jacket. |