Biopiracy of Biodiversity: Global Exchange as Enclosure |
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Biopiracy Yesterday And Tomorrow | 21 |
Patenting Biodiversity | 61 |
Sustaining Farmers Sustaining Harvests | 81 |
Copyright | |
10 other sections not shown
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Biopiracy of Biodiversity: Global Exchange as Enclosure A. Mushita,Carol B. Thompson No preview available - 2007 |
Common terms and phrases
African Union AGOA amaranth apartheid application benefit sharing biodiversity biological resources biopiracy bioresources breeding buffalo century chapter commercial common heritage community rights continent corporations cultural developing countries drought economic environmental ESAP exchange export farming fertilizer food aid food crops food security food sovereignty gene germplasm GM crops GM food goal grain Green Revolution hectares hybrids increased indigenous knowledge industrial agriculture innovation knowledge and technologies land reform legislation maize major ment million Monsanto National Competent Authority Native Americans natural Organization ownership patent percent pesticides Plant Breeders Plant Genetic Resources plant variety political prior informed consent production profit protection recognized region rice Rights in respect scientists seabed seas sector seed banks small-scale farmers social South Africa Southern Africa sovereignty structural adjustment sustainable tion traditional treaty TRIPs Tuli cattle U.S. government UNCLOS UPOV World Bank yields Zambia Zimbabwe Zimbabwean