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Contused wounds are such as are caused by a fall or blow, or by being jammed between hard bodies.

TREATMENT.-The only treatment necessary is the external application of Arnica, as in Fractures, etc. Should the bruise or contusion be of the chest, head, abdomen, or back, producing internal injury, the Arnica should be also administered.


Such as are produced by the tearing of a part, from being caught by machinery, etc.; as, for instance, the case of Samuel Wood, related in "Cheselden's Anatomy,' whose arm was torn off at the shoulder joint; and also, a very analogous case which occurred in the author's practice, of a man whose arm was broken and torn off about four inches below the shoulder joint; and all the muscles, communicating with the joint, were ripped up to their attachments, together with the Pectoralis major, Latisimus dorsi, and the Supra spinatus scapulae.

The only treatment necessary in ordinary lacerated wounds, is to bring the parts in as close continuity as possible, and keep them so by properly adjusted compresses, wet in diluted Tinct, Arnica. If fever arises, give Aconite.


Such as are made by a sharp cutting instrument. TREATMENT.-Bring the parts properly together, and

secure them by means of adhesive straps, so as to form a unison by the first intention.

Should the part swell, and become painful, Arnica, as directed in "Fractures and Dislocations."

Should inflammatory symptoms set in, give Aconite.


Punctured wounds are such as are caused by pointed instruments.

They are to be treated by the application of dossils of lint, wet in Tinct, Arnica, as previously directed; if inflammatory symptoms appear, the internal administration of Aconite is necessary. But should the wounds not do well under this treatment, and assume an unhealthy appearance, they are then to be regarded and treated as ulcers. (Vide "Ulcers.")


The first and general remedy for the treatment of the above, is Arnica, applied as previously directed, and administered internally. Should no material relief be obtained, give Rhus-tox.

Should the sprain or strain be caused by lifting a heavy weight, give Ruta, Rhus-tox. Should it be caused by a sudden jar, or false step. Bryonia, Rhus-tox, Arnica, Spigel.

ADMINISTRATION.-If the pain and suffering are severe, repeat the remedy every three or four hours, and extend the time according to improvement.


Bites and stings of Insects, Snakes, etc.

For the pain and inflammation arising from the sting of a bee, apply to the part, Aqua-Amm., (Spts. Hartshorn.)

For the bite of spiders and ants.

Tinct. Camphor, Tinct. Arnica.

For the bite or sting of the small fly, called the gnat, or for the bite of musquetoes. Tinct. Arnica, Camphor.

In the case of a bite from that poisonous serpent, the COPPER-HEAD, the external and internal administration of a decoction of the Broad-leafed Plantain is advised. I have known it to be successful in two or three instances.

APPLICATION.-The above remedies for the bites and stings of insects may be applied clear or moderately diluted; and if the symptoms are severe and tend in the least to become general or constitutional, the remedy may be also administered internally, according to the general direction for internal administration.


For the poisonous effect of decomposed animal matter, especially when brought into contact with an abraded surface, (which is frequently the case with butchers, soap and candle manufacturers, in handling partially decomposed fat,) apply finely powdered Verdigris (Ascetate of Copper) to the part.

And if nausea and retching set in, administer it internally in the first or third trituration.

I have treated several cases successfully as here directed.



INFLUENZA. (the Italian name for influence.) The disease is so named, because it was supposed to be produced by a peculiar influence of the stars: in France it is styled Grippe. It is a catarrhal disease, and frequently prevails as an epidemic, although it is common to appear sporadically in the commencement of spring and winter. A few years ago it prevailed very generally through the northern states of the Union, and with a considerable degree of fatality in many localities. The most remarkable Influenza prevailed through England in the year 1782, and not only affected the human species, but horses, dogs, and cats. And an Influenza of the same character prevailed throughout the East Indies and China two years previous; the crew of an East Indiaman (the Atlas) were attacked while sailing from Malacca to Canton; and on arriving at the latter place, they found that its inhabitants had all had the Influenza about the same time the crew were attacked at sea; which fact was adduced against the contagiousness of the disease. A similar report is given of its appearance in May and June of the same year on board of the Goliah, a vessel belonging to the squadron of Admiral Kempenfelt; where there had been no communication with any port or vessel, yet so many men were rendered incapable of duty, that not only the Goliah, but the entire squadron was obliged to return

into port. Another account is given of the squadron, under Lord Howe's command for the Dutch coast; and instances of the sudden sickening of considerable numbers of men in different places are related on good authority. Two cases were reported in London on the latter part of the same day, and on the next all London was attacked with it. On the following day a vessel came up the channel, and arrived at two o'clock off Berry Head on the Devonshire coast, with all on board well; in a few minutes after, the breeze blowing off the land, forty men were seized with influenza: at six o'clock the number had increased to sixty, and by two o'clock the next day to 160. A very similar report in point of fact, is given of the regiment on duty at Portsmouth.

The above facts are adduced by the English writers to illustrate what they conceive to be an important point in respect to this disease, viz. :—the impossibility of accounting for its prevalence upon the principle of mere contagion. There is certainly a great diversity of opinion existing; some maintaining that it is contagious, and others that it is merely epidemic.

DIAGNOSIS.-The attack is sometimes quite sudden, appearing upon waking in the morning or waking at night, with the symptoms well developed; such as coryza; pain in the frontal sinuses; indistinctness about the head, with headache; hoarseness when speaking, as if the sound of the voice came from the ears, nose, mouth and even the eyes, with a peculiar vibratory action through the head; eyes suffused; nose affected; partial deafness; loss of smell and taste; some febrile symptoms; uneasiness about the throat; cough and oppression of the chest. Or it may commence with slight chills and shivering; head

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