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DIET AND REGIMEN-Should be in accordance with the ends designed to be accomplished by the remedies, viz.: if the patient inclines to plethora, restrict the diet, and if the attack occurs in an enfeebled constitution, let it be generous; exercise in the open air to those it agrees with; but those who are exceedingly sensitive to, the open air should be careful in exposing themselves to it.


ALOPECIA. (Falling off of the Hair.)

ALOPECIA, (from the Greek, a fox;) because the fox is subject to a distemper resembling it, and according to some, because the fox's urine will produce baldness; if this be true, it ought to be placed ("Similia similibus curantur") at the head of the list of remedies, especially when the condition is produced by other causes.

CAUSES. It is quite common for the hair to fall off during convalescence from fevers, especially if the patient has survived allopathic treatment, in which Mercury stands out in bold relief as the chief drug and star of hope. Profuse sweating, debility from loss of animal fluids, protracted grief, severe headaches, Quinine, Syphilis, and (as above stated) Mercury, are among the principal causes.

TREATMENT.-When caused by excessive depletion, or loss of animal fluids. China, Ferrum.

When it occurs after a severe or acute disease.

Lycopodium, Hepar-sulph., Silex.

When the hair falls off during confinement from child


Calcarea, Lycopodium, Natrum-mur., Sulphur.

When caused by grief.

Phos-acid., Staphysagria, Lachesis, Ignatia.

When caused by severe attacks of headache.

Hepar-sulph., Nit-acid, Ant., Silex, Sepia, Sulphur.

When caused by the abuse of Mercury.

Hepar-sulph., Nit-acid, Carbo-veg.

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Besides the causes, the condition of the scalp in many instance directs the remedy:

Itching of the scalp; moist, or humid eruption, and head sweaty in the evening. Calcarea-carb.

Sensation of numbness in the back part of the head; scalp painful when rubbing it, or itching and burning. Causticum.

Liability to take cold in the head; itching; pimples, or scruf on the scalp, and dryness of the hair.


Fetid eruption on the head; profuse, suppurating eruptions; nightly lacerating, and boring about the head. Lycopodium.

Dry scales on the scalp; blotches, with violent itching and burning; stinging on the side of the head.


Pimples on the head and neck; scurf on the scalp.


Small, soft tubercles on the scalp; or scald-head, with nightly itching, and a discharge or oozing of pus. Rhus-tox., Sulphur.

Cold, humid scalp, or great itching of the scalp.


Again many of the remedies are more especially adapted to the falling off of the hair from different parts, viz.:

When the hair falls off from the sides of the head. Graphites, Phosphorus, Kali-carb.

From the sinciput, (fore part of the head.)

Arsenicum, Natrum.

From the occiput.

Carbo-veg., Silex.

From the temples.

Calc., Kali., Lycopodium.

Cantharis, Phosphorus, Iodine.

From spots on the different parts of the head.

From the brows, and also for falling off of the eyeAgaricus, Belladonna, Causticum, Kali-carb.


For falling out of the whiskers.

Calc-carb., Graphites, Natrum-muriat.

ADMINISTRATION.-First administer the remedy directed by the cause, two or more doses as may be required; after which the condition of the hair and scalp should direct the remedy, one dose a day or every second day.

DIET AND REGIMEN-In accordance with homoeopathic rules. All external applications should be strictly avoided, excepting pure water, sufficient for cleanliness; or in case of a dry scaly eruption, prone to crack and produce fissures, there is no objection to an occasional application of sweet cream.

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AUDITUS. (Hearing.)

It is not necessary to give the anatomical structure of the organs of hearing, nor a physiological description of the function of the internal ear; it is sufficient to say that they are complicated and delicate organs, subject to many impressions which are calculated, either directly or indirectly, to disturb their function, and to produce deafness partial or complete.

TREATMENT. The principal remedies for deafness, are, Aconite, Belladonna, Arsenicum, Cocculus, Conium, Digitalis, Hyosciamus, Iodine, Lachesis, Lycopodium, Mercurius, Natrum-carbon, Natrum-muriat, Nit-acid, Nux-Vomica, Petroleum, Phosphorus, Pulsatilla.

Aconite. For hardness of hearing, attended with a tickling sensation and roaring in the ears; and especially if attended with any fever.

Belladonna.-When attended with humming and murmuring in the ears, worse when sitting; roaring in the ears, or deafness from a cold.

Arsenicum.-Roaring in the ears, particularly during paroxysms of pain; singing in the ear when sitting.

Cocculus.-Hardness of hearing, attended with a noise. as of rushing water; the right ear feels closed.

Conium.-Hardness of hearing, from an accumulation of wax; shrill tingling in the ear; roaring as from wind in the ear.

Digitalis.-Hardness of hearing, attended with a hissing

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