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as from boiling water; or a sudden obstruction of hearing with tingling.

Ignatia. For a peculiar hardness of hearing in respect to everything but speech.

Hyoscyamus.-"Hard hearing as if stupefied; buzzing in

the ears."

Lycopodium and Lachesis.-Hardness of hearing, with dryness; and especially for soreness and dry scurfs on the ear.

Mercurius. For partial deafness, attended with soreness and excoriations of the internal ear; hardness of hearing, with stoppage of the ears.

Natrum-muriat.-Hard hearing; tingling, singing, ringing, and buzzing in the ears; and especially if attended. with beating and throbbing, or a purulent discharge from the ear.

Nux-Vomica.-If attended with roaring or ringing in the ears early in the morning, when rising.

Petroleum.-Paralytic deafness; dryness and troublesome itching; or if attended with a discharge of sanguinous pus.

Phosphorus.-Congestive deafness, with humming and constant buzzing in the ears; or hardness of hearing following typhoid and inflammatory fevers.

Pulsatilla.-If attended with noise, as if caused by wind or the rushing of water; or for hardness of hearing, with a discharge of pus; especially if secondary to Measles.

Nitric-acid and Iodine.-If caused by enlarged tonsils.

Sulphur, Antimony, Graphites, or Lachesis.—If caused by the suppression of cutaneous eruptions.

ADMINISTRATION.-In recent cases, repeat the remedy selected, once or twice a day; in cases of long standing, every second day.

LOCAL APPLICATIONS.-If there is a discharge from the ears, keep them well cleaned with tepid water. If the ears are dry, with a hardened state of the secretion of the ear, (wax,) lubricate by means of an occasional drop of sweet oil.



1. SEMINAL WEAKNESS. (Impotence.)

THIS is a condition of the sexual system which is generally brought on by excessive sexual indulgence, or is the result of secret practices, (self-pollution,) a vice that the young of both sexes are too much addicted to, and all in consequence of a want of proper knowledge imparted to them by their parents or guardians. The effect upon the young is not only hazardous in the extreme, but sometimes actually ruinous, in not only laying the foundation of physical disease and suffering, thereby bringing them to premature graves, but in many instances destroying the intellect, the most noble part of the human creature; and many have been awakened to a realizing sense of the impending danger when it was too late to remedy it.

TREATMENT.-The principal remedies for the mental and physical suffering induced by this condition of the system, are Nux-Vomica, Phosphorus, Phosphoric-acid, Staphysagria, Ignatia, China, Ferrum, Natrum-muriaticum, Lycopodium, Conium, and Pulsatilla.

Nux-Vomica.-Pain in the back part of the head, the patient is almost deranged, incapable of thinking correctly, apprehensive and melancholic; pale, sunken cheeks




and eyes; pains in the small of the back, and weakness of the legs; a degree of numbness bordering on paralysis.

Phosphorus.-Pale, sickly countenance; hollow eyes or puffiness and swelling around them; gloomy lowness of spirits, discontent and irresolution; palpitation of the heart; pain in the back and limbs; the patient is dull and heavy during the day and sleepless at night.

Staphysagria.-Heaviness of the head; desire to weep; sadness; coldness, with shuddering; loss of appetite, with distressing pressure in the stomach.

Ignatia.-Oppression of the chest; palpitation of the heart; loss of appetite; lacerating, boring pain in the head; vertigo; indifference and apathy; seriousness and melancholy; coldness, and stiffness of the extremities, with convulsive jerks and twitches.

China.-General debility; pale face and hippocratic countenance; heaviness and aching of the head; ringing of the cars; low-spirits and hypochondria; dullness and confusion of ideas; nightly pains in the small of the back and perspiration upon the least exercise.

Ferrum.--Nearly the same as above.

Natrum-muriaticum.-Livid or yellow complexion; pimples on the face; heaviness of the head; pressure and oppressive headache; weak memory, absent mindedness, and difficulty of thinking; pain drawing down the back; weakness and uneasiness of the limbs; trembling of the hands and heaviness of the feet.

Lycopodium.-Emaciation, weakness, and extreme weariness; sleep disturbed by anxious, frightful, or lascivious dreams; headache; desponding and weeping mood; the

patient is afraid to be alone, nervous and extremely sensitive; pale complexion; blue margins around the eyes; eruptions on the face; and cold, sweaty feet.

Conium.-Dizziness; confusion of ideas; the patient sad, fearful, and superstitious; painful lancinations and stitches through the head; frightful, intimidating and raving dreams.

Pulsatilla.--Coldness; palpitation of the heart; gloom and melancholy; confusion and heaviness of the head; staggering gait and trembling of the lower limbs.


Nux-Vomica.-Weakness of the sexual organs; itching and burning at the neck of the bladder; nocturnal emissions, with sexual dreams; or emissions without an erection.

Phosphorus.--Drawing pains in the spermatic cords; irresistible sexual desire; impotence; nocturnal emissions, without dreams.

Phos-acid.--Frequent desire to urinate, with cutting pains in the uretha; extreme tenderness of the genitals, and frequent emissions.

Staphysagria.-Nocturnal emissions, accompanied with lascivious dreams.

Ignatia.-Complete absence of sexual desire; or sexual desire, with impotence.

Natrum-muriat.-Feeling of weakness in the genital parts; pollutions, with smarting of the glands; impotence. Lycopodium.--The genitals are cold and relaxed; entire absence of erections; male impotence for several years.

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