Learning the Tarot: A Tarot Book for BeginnersLearning the Tarot is a complete course on how to use the tarot cards for personal guidance. The 19 lessons in the course cover the basics and then move gradually into more advanced concepts. Exercises and sample responses for each lesson help you learn and practice. For simplicity, only one easy layout is used throughout the course - the Celtic Cross Spread. Learning the Tarot focuses in detail on the actual process of discovering meaning in the cards. Lessons cover topics such as how to consider one card by itself, how to look for card pairs, and how to create the "story" of a reading. A convenient reference section contains two pages of information for each card including a picture from the popular Waite deck, a description, keywords, action phrases and suggestions for cards with similar and opposite meanings. |
IV | 3 |
V | 7 |
VI | 9 |
VII | 11 |
VIII | 14 |
IX | 15 |
X | 17 |
XI | 19 |
XCIV | 170 |
XCV | 172 |
XCVI | 174 |
XCVII | 176 |
XCVIII | 178 |
XCIX | 180 |
C | 182 |
CI | 184 |
XII | 22 |
XIII | 27 |
XIV | 29 |
XV | 31 |
XVI | 33 |
XVII | 34 |
XVIII | 36 |
XIX | 38 |
XX | 40 |
XXI | 43 |
XXII | 46 |
XXIII | 56 |
XXIV | 59 |
XXV | 61 |
XXVI | 63 |
XXVII | 65 |
XXVIII | 66 |
XXIX | 67 |
XXX | 68 |
XXXI | 70 |
XXXII | 72 |
XXXIV | 73 |
XXXVI | 74 |
XXXVII | 75 |
XXXIX | 76 |
XL | 78 |
XLI | 79 |
XLII | 82 |
XLIII | 85 |
XLIV | 87 |
XLV | 89 |
XLVI | 90 |
XLVII | 91 |
XLIX | 93 |
L | 94 |
LI | 95 |
LII | 97 |
LIII | 100 |
LIV | 102 |
LV | 105 |
LVI | 107 |
LVII | 109 |
LVIII | 111 |
LIX | 112 |
LX | 114 |
LXI | 116 |
LXII | 118 |
LXIII | 120 |
LXIV | 122 |
LXV | 124 |
LXVI | 126 |
LXVII | 128 |
LXVIII | 130 |
LXX | 132 |
LXXI | 134 |
LXXII | 136 |
LXXIV | 138 |
LXXV | 140 |
LXXVII | 142 |
LXXIX | 144 |
LXXX | 146 |
LXXXII | 148 |
LXXXIII | 150 |
LXXXIV | 152 |
LXXXVI | 154 |
LXXXVII | 157 |
LXXXVIII | 158 |
LXXXIX | 160 |
XC | 162 |
XCI | 164 |
XCII | 166 |
XCIII | 168 |
CII | 186 |
CIII | 187 |
CIV | 188 |
CV | 190 |
CVI | 192 |
CVII | 194 |
CVIII | 196 |
CIX | 198 |
CX | 200 |
CXI | 202 |
CXII | 204 |
CXIII | 206 |
CXIV | 208 |
CXV | 210 |
CXVI | 212 |
CXVII | 214 |
CXVIII | 216 |
CXIX | 218 |
CXX | 220 |
CXXI | 222 |
CXXII | 224 |
CXXIII | 226 |
CXXIV | 228 |
CXXV | 230 |
CXXVI | 232 |
CXXVII | 234 |
CXXVIII | 236 |
CXXIX | 238 |
CXXX | 240 |
CXXXI | 242 |
CXXXII | 244 |
CXXXIII | 246 |
CXXXIV | 248 |
CXXXV | 250 |
CXXXVI | 252 |
CXXXVII | 254 |
CXXXVIII | 256 |
CXXXIX | 258 |
CXL | 260 |
CXLI | 262 |
CXLII | 264 |
CXLIII | 266 |
CXLIV | 268 |
CXLV | 270 |
CXLVI | 273 |
CXLVII | 275 |
CXLVIII | 278 |
CXLIX | 279 |
CL | 280 |
CLI | 281 |
CLII | 282 |
CLIII | 283 |
CLIV | 284 |
CLV | 285 |
CLVI | 286 |
CLVII | 287 |
CLVIII | 288 |
CLIX | 290 |
CLX | 291 |
CLXI | 295 |
CLXII | 297 |
CLXIII | 303 |
CLXIV | 306 |
CLXV | 308 |
CLXVI | 310 |
CLXVII | 311 |
CLXIX | 312 |
CLXX | 313 |
CLXXI | 315 |
CLXXII | 317 |
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Common terms and phrases
Actions approach Compare the ranks Court Card Pairs create creative Cups-Position Description Eight emotional Empress energy enjoying environment everything EXERCISES FOR LESSON experience experiencing FACTOR feeling Five focus Fool force form a pair Four goal Hierophant High Priestess Inner Guide interpretation intuition Jill Jill's keywords King of Cups King of Pentacles King of Swords King of Wands Knight of Cups Knight of Pentacles Knight of Swords Knight of Wands look Magician major arcana card Minor Minor Minor move Nine Opposing Cards outcome Page of Swords pair might mean Pentacles-Position person Possibilities problem Queen of Cups Queen of Pentacles ranks and suits Reinforcing Cards responsibility reversed cards sense Seven Seven of Cups shows shuffle situation someone Sometimes spread stands story suggests Swords-Position symbol tarot cards tarot reading Three of Wands trust truth understanding Wands-Position