Twelfth Night: Third Series

Front Cover
Bloomsbury Academic, May 9, 2008 - Drama - 427 pages

Critically acclaimed as one of Shakespeare's most complex and intriguing plays, Twelfth Night is a classic romantic comedy of mistaken identities. In recent years it has returned to the center of critical debate surrounding gender and sexuality. The Introduction explores the multiple factors that make up the play's rich textual, theatrical, critical and cultural history. Keir Elam surveys the play's production and reception, emphasizing the role of the spectator both within the comedy and the playhouse.

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About the author (2008)

William Shakespeare (1564-1616) was an English dramatist, poet, and actor, generally regarded as the greatest playwright of all time. Keir Elam is Professor of English Literature at the University of Bologna, where he is resident member of the Institute for Advanced Studies and evaluator for the Humanities in the University Research Observatory (Osservatorio della Ricerca).