An Introduction to the Rock-forming Minerals |
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albite alkali feldspars Amer amphiboles analcite anorthite anthophyllite aragonite atoms augite axis biotite birefringence brown calcite cations chemical Chemistry chlorite Cleavage Twinning colourless in thin common composition cordierite crystals di-octahedral diopside Dispersion distinguished dolomite end-member epidote extinction angle Fe2+ Fe3+ feldspars formula garnet glaucophane granites green H₂O hematite hornblende hydrothermal igneous rocks illite increase interlayer iron iron-rich jadeite kbar lamellar layers leucite magnetite metamorphic metamorphosed micas microcline minerals monoclinic muscovite nepheline occurs octahedral olivine optic axial angle Optical and Physical optical properties orthopyroxene orthorhombic oxides oxygen pale Paragenesis parallel pegmatites Petr phase phlogopite Physical Properties plagioclase plane Pleochroism potassium pressure pyroxene quartz range reaction refractive indices replacement riebeckite sanidine schists sillimanite SiO2 smectites solid solution space group spinel stability structure substitution temperature tetrahedra thin section tourmaline tremolite triclinic Twinning Colour Unit cell wollastonite yellow zeolites zone