The Manual of American Water-works, Volume 1Moses Nelson Baker Engineering News, 1888 - Water-supply engineering Containing the history, details of construction, source and mode of water supply, pumping machinery, distribution, consumption, pressure, hydrant rental, revenue and expenses, cost and debt, etc., etc., of every water-works in the United States and Canada, with summaries for each state and group of states; and directory of water-works officials, engineers and contractors. |
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Common terms and phrases
acres artesian basin Bonded debt Boston bottom brick built Capital stock Chapman Chas combined cap conduit Const consumers Consumption Contrs cost creek data given deep diam direct pumping Distribution.-Mains drants duplex duplex pump Engaged in manufacturing engine Engr filter Financial.-Cost Foundry franchise galls galv gravel History.-Built in 87 Holly Holly-Gaskill Hydrant rental incorp iron kind not given laid lake lead Ludlow Management.-Prest Management.-Supt Management.-Three masonry Mathews Meters miles Ordinary Philadelphia Phillipsburg Pipe and specials Pressure Prest puddle Pumping Machinery.-Dy pumping to reservoir pumping to stand-pipe pumping to tank R. D. Wood Report Reservoir.-Cap river Secy Services Settled slopes specials furnished springs Stand-Pipe.-Cap steam stone stroke Supt Tank.-Cap Total town Treas tubular boilers Valves village w. i. and cement w. i. Taps Water Supply.-Springs Water Supply.-Well water-power withheld Worthington Worthington pump York City
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Page 390 - The deed and the judgment of condemnation further recited that at the end of 10 years or at the end of any...
Page 115 - Notes on the Flow of the West Branch of the Croton River." With a large diagram and four tables. By JJR Croes. Trans. Am. 800. CE, vol. VI., pp. 78-86 and erratum on p. VI. "Description of a Line of Large Water-Mains, laid by the Croton Aqueduct Department of the City of New York; and an Inquiry into the Causes of Failure of a few of them.
Page 81 - Co. CROUP 2. --Middle States. -Water-Works Completed, in Process of construction or Projected, in New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland and District of Columbia. NEW YORK. Water-Works Completed or In Process of Construction. ADAMS, Jefferson Го.
Page 259 - Savannah river at head of navigation, 147 ft. above mean low tide, .(in » level plain, the soil being composed of alternate layers of sand and clay with coarse sand and pebbles for a> depth of 75 ft. Engaged In manufacturing and cotton trade. Laid out by Gen, Oglethorpe In 1736 : ineorp.
Page 228 - In 1814 an association was formed for the purpose of introducing a copious supply of wholesome water into the city from Jones
Page 115 - With out showing section of aqueduct and embankment. By B. 8. Church, with discussion following. Road and discussed Feby. 2, '76. A comprehensive treatment of the subject for the time, giving many practical deductions and hints.
Page 66 - Peacedale, by pumping to stand-pipe 190 feet above tide-level. The area to be supplied is generally from 10 to 60, and at extreme points 130 feet above tide-level.
Page 64 - Norman ; Contracting Engineer, G. Norman Weaver. Most of the work was done by the original owner. Water Supply. — Easton's and Paradise ponds, pumping to reservoir from two stations, that at the first pond being one, and at the second, three miles from the city. Easton's pond was formed by impounding the water of 4...
Page iv - In this there are some surprising contrasts. The great State of Massachusetts shows its greatness and enterprise in nothing more conspicuously than in the public spirited way in which its towns and cities have taken hold ofthe work of supplying themselves with water at their own expense instead of waiting for private enterprise to do it for them.
Page 306 - 13,000; city, none. Management,— Three Trustees. Supt , E. Lawton. KENT, Portage Co. (Pop.. 3,309: eat., 4,000.) On Cuyahoga river, 10 miles N. E of Akron. Has water-power, railway machine shops, and manufactories. History.— Built in '86-7 by Kent Water Co., under 20 years