Dissertations and Discussions: Political, Philosophical and Historical, Volume 1

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J.W. Parker, 1859 - History

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Page 342 - The various systems that have been formed concerning the standard of right and wrong, may all be reduced to the principle of sympathy and antipathy.' One account may serve for all of them. They consist all of them...
Page 417 - The second condition of permanent political society has been found to be, the existence, in some form or other, of the feeling of allegiance, or loyalty. This feeling may vary in its objects, and is not confined to any particular form of government: but, whether in a democracy or in a monarchy, its essence is always the same; viz., that there be in the constitution of the State something which is settled, something permanent, and not to be called in...
Page 118 - ... found themselves quickly at a stand, by the difficulties that rose on every side. After we had a while puzzled ourselves, without coming any nearer a resolution of those doubts which perplexed us, it came into my thoughts that we took a wrong course: and that before we set ourselves upon inquiries of that nature, it was necessary to examine our own abilities, and see what objects our understandings were, or were not, fitted to deal with.
Page 330 - ... speculative philosophy, which to the superficial appears a thing so remote from the business of life and the outward interests of men, is in reality the thing on earth which most influences them, and in the long run overbears every other influence save those which it must itself obey.
Page 71 - Eloquence supposes an audience; the peculiarity of poetry appears to us to lie in the poet's utter unconsciousness of a listener.
Page 440 - National Church, in its primary acceptation and original intention, comprehended the learned of all denominations, the sages and professors of the law and jurisprudence, of medicine and physiology, of music, of military and civil architecture, of the physical sciences, with...
Page 387 - ... it proceeds from not daring to face the consequences of telling the truth — or at best is evidence of want of that power to compass our ends by straightforward means, which is conceived as properly belonging to every person not deficient in energy or in understanding. The action of Brutus in sentencing his sons was right, because it was executing a law essential to the freedom of his country, against persons of whose guilt there was no doubt: it was admirable, because it evinced a rare degree...
Page 470 - The idea of a rational democracy is, not that the people themselves govern, but that they have security for good government. This security they cannot have, by any other means than by retaining in their own hands the ultimate control.
Page 80 - Whom, then, shall we call poets? Those who are so constituted, that emotions are the links of association by which their ideas, both sensuous and spiritual, are connected together. This constitution belongs (within certain limits) to all in whom poetry is a pervading principle. In all others, poetry is something extraneous and superinduced : something out of themselves, foreign to the habitual course of their everyday lives and characters ; a...

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