The Power of Human Rights: International Norms and Domestic ChangeThomas Risse, Stephen C. Ropp, Kathryn Sikkink This book celebrated the 50th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights by showing how global human rights norms have influenced national government practices in eleven different countries around the world. Had the principles articulated in the Declaration had any effect on the behavior of states towards their citizens? What are the conditions under which international human rights norms are internalized in domestic practices? And what can we learn from this case about why, how, and under what conditions international norms in general influence the actions of states? This book draws on the work of social constructivists to examine these important issues. The contributors examine eleven countries representing five different world regions - Northern Africa, Sub-Saharan Africa, Southeast Asia, Latin America, and Eastern Europe - drawing practical lessons for activists and policy makers concerned with preserving and extending the human rights gains made during the past fifty years. |
The socialization of international human rights norms into domestic practices introduction | 1 |
Transnational activism and political change in Kenya and Uganda | 39 |
The long and winding road international norms and domestic political change in South Africa David Black | 78 |
Changing discourse transnational advocacy networks in Tunisia and Morocco | 109 |
Linking the unlinkable? International norms and nationalism in Indonesia and the Philippines | 134 |
International norms and domestic politics in Chile and Guatemala | 172 |
Common terms and phrases
activities actors Amin Amnesty International apartheid arap Moi argue argumentative authoritarian chapter Charter 77 Chile Chilean Committee Communist countries criticism Czechoslovakia democracy democratic denial phase discourse domestic human rights domestic opposition East Timor economic edited foreign Guatemala Helsinki Final Act Hempstone human rights abuses human rights change human rights conditions human rights network human rights norms human rights organizations human rights practices human rights situation human rights violations Human Rights Watch Indonesia institutionalization institutions international human rights international norms Kathryn Sikkink Kenya Kenyan government legitimacy liberal Marcos ment military mobilization Moroccan Morocco Museveni negotiations NGOs non-governmental norm-violating governments parties Philippines Poland prescriptive status President pressure reforms repression result rhetoric rule-consistent behavior sanctions socialization process society South Africa Soviet spiral model Suharto tactical concessions tion tional torture transnational advocacy networks transnational human rights transnational network Tunisia Tunisian government Uganda United Nations University Press Western World