The Word of the Lord Shall Go Forth: Essays in Honor of David Noel Freedman in Celebration of His Sixtieth BirthdayCarol L. Meyers, Michael Patrick O'Connor This volume contains fifty-two essays composed in honor of David Noel Freedman and organized around the topics: Hebrew Poetry and Prophecy, The Prose of the Hebrew Bible, History and Institutions of Israel, Northwest Semitic Epigraphy, and Other Perspectives. A bibliography of the honoree is included. |
VII | 15 |
IX | 27 |
XI | 37 |
XIII | 47 |
XV | 69 |
XVII | 77 |
XIX | 91 |
XXI | 97 |
LXIII | 361 |
LXV | 373 |
LXVII | 399 |
LXVIII | 415 |
LXX | 427 |
LXXII | 437 |
LXXIII | 439 |
LXXV | 467 |
XXV | 129 |
XXVII | 157 |
XXIX | 165 |
XXXI | 185 |
XXXIII | 189 |
XXXIV | 191 |
XXXVI | 203 |
XXXVIII | 211 |
XL | 217 |
XLII | 241 |
XLIV | 263 |
XLVI | 273 |
XLVIII | 279 |
L | 287 |
LII | 301 |
LIII | 303 |
LV | 315 |
LVII | 321 |
LIX | 337 |
LXI | 355 |
LXXVII | 477 |
LXXIX | 497 |
LXXXI | 507 |
LXXXII | 523 |
LXXXIII | 527 |
LXXXV | 545 |
LXXXVII | 549 |
LXXXIX | 569 |
XC | 571 |
XCII | 589 |
XCIV | 613 |
XCVI | 625 |
XCIX | 647 |
CI | 665 |
CIII | 685 |
CV | 691 |
CVII | 697 |
CIX | 709 |
CXI | 719 |
Common terms and phrases
000 Proverbs 4QLam Akkadian Albright American Schools analysis ancient appears Aramaic archeology Baal Bible Biblical bicolon Book and Chapter Canaanite century Chronicles colon context Count Percentage covenant David decalog Deut Deuteronomy divine DTR I's Ebla Eblaite Egypt evidence Exile Exod Exodus Ezekiel Freedman Genesis Glueck Haggai Hebrew Hiram Hosea inscriptions interpretation Isaiah Israel Israelite Jeremiah Jerusalem Jesus Jewish Jonah Josephus Josh Joshua Journal Judges Kings land language Levites Leviticus linguistic literary literature logogram Matt 12 Moses Nabatean narrative Nehemiah Nota Accusativi noted Numbers Old Testament Oriental Research paleo-Hebrew parallel passage patriarchal Pettinato pollution Possible cognates post-Exilic prophet Psalm 23 Qohelet Qumran reference reign ritual Samuel scholars Schools of Oriental script Semitic Shechem sources structure suggested temple tradition translation Ugaritic University verb verse vowel words Yahweh Yahwist yhwh Zechariah