No More Kidney Stones

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Wiley, 27 Sep 1996 - 240 halaman
A Proven Plan To Stop Painful Kidney Stones Dr. John Rodman, aninternationally renowned expert in the field of kidney stonedisease, offers you a plan that can eliminate this painful diseasefrom your life forever. With Dr. Rodman's proven plan, you'lldiscover all you need to know about:
* What risk factors cause the different types of kidneystones
* Which type of stone you are prone to forming and how to preventit
* Which traditional holiday foods trigger stone formation
* What seasons of the year put you at higher risk
* How to modify your diet and stay stone-free

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Perihal pengarang (1996)

JOHN S. RODMAN, M.D., is Associate Clinical Professor of Medicine at Cornell University School of Medicine in New York City, and a member of the attending staffs at New York Hospital and Lenox Hill Hospital. CYNTHIA SEIDMAN, M.S., R.D., is Director of Dietary Services at The Rockefeller University Hospital in New York City. RORY JONES, an award-winning writer and TV producer, has done extensive work on health and medical topics.

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