Wuthering Heights: Gilded Pocket Edition

Front Cover
Arcturus Publishing, 2022 - Fiction - 272 pages

A collector's edition of the best-loved classic Wuthering Heights, complete with gold foil embossing and gilded page edges.

Emily Bronte's brutally passionate poetic masterpiece is about doomed love on the bleak Pennine moors. This haunting tale of uncontrolled, violent passion between the wilful Catherine Earnshaw and the wild, dark-natured Heathcliff has gripped readers since it was first published in 1847. An extraordinary novel in the Victorian Gothic tradition that every reader will love!

ABOUT THE SERIES: Arcturus Ornate Classics are beautifully bound editions of iconic literary works across history. These compact, foil-embossed hardbacks are printed using deluxe ivory paper and make the perfect gift.

About the author (2022)

Emily Bronte (1818-48) was the most accomplished yet least prolific of the three literary Bronte sisters. Today Wuthering Heights is recognized as perhaps the most sophisticated novel of the Gothic genre.

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