The History of the Rebellion and Civil Wars in England: To which is Added an Historical View of the Affairs of Ireland, Volume 6

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Page 401 - Lord, vouchsafe yet to touch the obdurate heart of this proud incorrigible sinner, this wicked, perjured, traitorous, and profane person, who refuses to hearken to the voice of thy kirk...
Page 230 - And if he were not the greatest king, if he were without some parts and qualities which have made some kings great and happy, no other prince was ever unhappy who was possessed of half his virtues and endowments, and so much without any kind of vice.
Page 228 - He kept state to the full, which made his Court very orderly, no man presuming to be seen in a place where he had no pretence to, be. He saw and observed men long, before he received them about his person : and did not love strangers nor very confident men.
Page 256 - So ended the year one thousand six hundred forty-eight ; a year of reproach and infamy above all years which had passed before it ; a year of the highest dissimulation and hypocrisy, of the deepest villainy and most bloody treasons, that any nation was ever cursed with, or under : a year, in which the memory of all the transactions ought to be rased out of all records, lest, by the success of it, atheism, infidelity, and rebellion, should be propagated in the world...
Page 403 - He was a gentleman of a very ancient extraction, many of whose ancestors had exercised the highest charges under the King in that kingdom, and had been allied to the Crown itself. He was of very good parts, which were improved by a good education : he had always a great emulation, or rather a great contempt of the marquis of Argyle, (as he was too apt to contemn those he did not love,) who wanted nothing but honesty and courage to be a very extraordinary man, having all other good talents in a very...
Page 220 - England, and therein trusted with a limited power to govern by and according to the laws of the land, and not otherwise; and by his trust, oath, and office, being obliged to use the power committed to him for the good and benefit of the people, and for the preservation of their rights and liberties...
Page 402 - The next day, they executed every part and circumstance of that barbarous sentence, with all the inhumanity imaginable ; and he bore it with all the courage and magnanimity, and the greatest piety, that a good Christian could manifest. He magnified the virtue, courage, and religion of the last king, exceedingly commended the justice, and goodness, and understanding of the present king; and prayed, " that they might not betray him as they had done
Page 396 - Mountrose received from his friends, and the unpleasantness of the quarters in which he was, prevailed with him to march, with these few troops, more into the land. And the Highlanders flocking to him from all quarters, though ill armed, and worse disciplined, made him undervalue any enemy who, he thought, was yet like to encounter him. Straghan made such haste, that the earl of...
Page 447 - He never used any body ill, but used many very well for whom he had no regard : and his greatest fault was, that he could dissemble, and make men believe that he loved them very well, when he cared not for them. He had not very tender affections, nor bowels apt to yearn at all objects which deserved compassion : he was...
Page 502 - ... than by having fine linen in ill clothes ; and so he parted with his shirt too, and took the same his poor host had then on.

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