Pamphlets . The rearing and training of children

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Page 10 - They might as well go to a dealer in artists' colours to have their portraits painted. There is reason for believing that a great many lives are sacrificed by persons trusting to treatment by druggists in the earlier stages of illness. In fact, a statistical reckoning at Manchester showed that a great many children perish through such a custom. It is particularly necessary that a proper medical authority should be consulted about little children. They cannot speak, and their complaints are only to...
Page 5 - We have seen that three times as many children die in the first year as in the second ; a greater number indeed die in the first year than in the six succeeding ones.
Page 3 - Children could not die in such numbers were they properly treated. Their lives depend on the observance of certain natural laws, as much as the lives of the plants which we cultivate in our gardens.
Page 11 - Out of one thousand children born in London, only 592 remain alive at the end of five years ; in Birmingham, only 518 ; in Leeds, only 520 ; in Manchester, only 490 ; and in Liverpool, only 470. — Report of Registrar General.
Page 10 - As diseases in infancy often invade suddenly and make rapid progress, so are they capable too, in many cases, of being suddenly checked. The administration of
Page 3 - ... destroys one part of mankind outright, leaves a still greater portion to grow up unhealthily.

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