The Cambridge Encyclopedia

Front Cover
David Crystal
Cambridge University Press, Aug 13, 1997 - Reference - 1313 pages
The Cambridge Encyclopedia is unrivaled for academic authority and comprehensiveness, as well as its style and concision. Thoroughly revised and updated, with nearly 20,000 more words, the Third Edition incorporates:
  • Full-color flags for over 200 countries of the world--including all new flags since 1994.
  • 24 full-color world maps--giving details of the continents (physical, political, ice-coverage); the oceans (temperatures, depths, bed-features); earthquake zones; European trade organizations, and the effects of global warming and acid rain.
  • Over 26,000 A-Z entries, with over 85,000 cross-references, 250 maps and 330 illustrations--giving unequaled coverage of biographical, scientific, geographic, historical and international issues.
  • A 128-page Ready Reference--presenting, in readily accessible tabular and illustrative form, over 10,000 entries.
  • Bibliographic information