Gene Stratton-Porter: A Little Story of the Life and Work and Ideals of "the Bird Woman,"Printed at the Country life Press by Doubleday, Page, 1915 - 50 pages |
Common terms and phrases
baby Bartlett pear beauty better Bible Black Vulture British edition butterflies cabin camera Cardinal catalpa child clothing colour conservatory Count darkroom described Doubleday drug farm easel exactly exquisite big night fail father fence corners fiction field finished flowers Fort Wayne Freckles GENE STRATTON-PORTER ginseng Girl Harvester heart Hodder and Stoughton Hopewell husband idea ideals illustrations Instantly I began interest knew known Laddie Limberlost Swamp LITTLE STORY living magazine Mark Stratton matics Maxwell mother mounted moth natural history nature book nature novel nest never oilmen orchard photographic Picciola plant plates publish a British quired readers says the author secure sent specimen spent straight STRATTON-PORTER A LITTLE studies tail pieces things thought told tree ture Wabash waited wild wild rose wild-flower garden woman wonderful woods word written ten books wrote