Workbook to Accompany Maintenance and Reliability Best Practices

Front Cover
Industrial Press, Incorporated, Apr 15, 2013 - Business & Economics - 272 pages
This softbound workbook is the ideal guide for readers of Gulati's Maintenance and Reliability Best Practices, 2nd edition, as well as for students in a classroom or seminar/workshop setting.
  • Each chapter provides extensive Powerpoint-style summaries of important vocabulary and essential concepts, in a format that encourages students to write additional notes and evaluations of the content.
  • Includes reviews of chapter objectives and summaries.
  • Provides readers with answers to the main text's assessment exercises as well as additional questions to direct their study.
  • Each chapter concludes with a set of independent research questions; these questions help readers expand their understanding of the content as they prepare to apply best practices.

About the author (2013)

Ramesh Gulati, PE, CRE, CRL, CAMA, CMRP, CMRT, has been in the maintenance and reliability and asset management field for more than 50 years, and because of his incredible contributions, was given the appropriate nickname of the "Reliability Sherpa."Mr. Gulati is active in professional societies, and has received numerous accolades for his hard work, including a Lifetime Achievement Award at the Reliability Conference in 2019, the 2014 CMRP of the Year Award, and the Gold Book award at Maintenance Technology for Maintenance and Reliability Best Practices in 2011.