Die Catonischen Distichen während des Mittelalters: in der englischen und französischen Literatur, Volume 1

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Joachim & Jüstel, 1883 - Catonis disticha - 63 pages

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Page 44 - Caton [1483] [PBOLOGUE] ^[Here begynneth the prologue or prohemye of the book callid Caton / whiche booke hath ben translated in to Englysshe by Mayster Benet Burgh / late Archedeken of Colchestre and hye ehanon of saint Stephens at westmestre / which ful craftly hath made it in balade ryal for the erudicion of my lord Bousher / Sone ~j heyr at that tyme to my lord the erle of Estsex...
Page 52 - And shal praye for the good prosperite and polecye of the same duryng my lyf. For as me semeth it is of grete nede by cause I haue knowen it in my yong age moche more welthy prosperous and rycher than it is at this day. And the cause is that ther ia almost none that entendeth to the comyn wele but only euery man for his siugular prouflyte.
Page 53 - Cathon glosed for the best book of his lyberarye / Thenne syth that he that was so noble a Clerke helde this book for the best / doubtles / hit must folowe that this is a noble booke / and a vertuous...
Page 52 - ... man ought to rewle and gouerne , hym in this lyf, as wel for the lyf temporall, as for the lyf spyrytuel, And as in my Jugement it is the beste book for to be taught to...
Page 52 - Florence a noble and well stuffed lybrarye, whiche alle noble straungyërs comynge to Florence desyred to see, And therin they fonde many noble and rare bookes And whanne they had axyd of hym whiche was the best boke of them alle, and that he reputed for best, He sayd, that he helde Cathon glosed for the best book of his lyberarye...
Page 53 - Florence a noble 3 well stuffed lybrarye / whiche alle noble straungyers comynge to Florence desyred to see / And therin they fonde many noble and rare bookes And whanne they had axyd of hym whiche was the best boke of them alle / and that he reputed for best / He sayd / that he helde Cathon glosed for the best book of his lyberarye...
Page 6 - And as in my Jugement it is the beste book for to be ta-|ught to yonge children in scole / & also to peple of euery age | it is ful conuenient...
Page 52 - Actilius & many other/ And amonge al other | the noble Catho auctor and maker of this book / whiche he hath | lefte for to remayne euer to all the peple for to lerne in hit and | to knowe how...
Page 63 - Biblioth. [Another edition.] Cato construed, Or A familiar and easie interpretation vpon Catos morall Verses. First doen in Laten and Frenche by Maturinus Corderius, and now newly englished, to the comforte of all young Schollers. Imprinted At London For Andrnve Maunsell, dwelling in Paules Churchyard, at the signe of The Brasen Serpent.

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