Aspects of the Grammar of Thulung Rai: An Endangered Himalayan LanguageUniversity of California, Berkeley, 2002 - 384 pages |
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Common terms and phrases
adverbs agent Allen allomorphs animacy appears aspectivizer bai-ra bela-ka bo-mu borrowed by-ry Chantyal clause-combining clauses combination come-3s.PST consonants construction CONTR converb COP.ho copula dative distinctions ditransitives dokpu dual dys-ta dzam emphasis marker ergative marking examples expression finite verb frog functions gana gani gatsi genitive marker genitivization Ghumne Pani grammatical grammaticalization gu-ka gumi indirect object inflected intransitive irrealis Kathmandu Kiranti languages ko-le lexical like.this locative marker los-ta Matisoff meram morpheme Mukli N.after N.and N.indeed N.seem N.seem-HS nominalized non-past non-past forms Non-past Past noun one-CL paradigm participants past forms patient patshi periphrastic personal endings Phaplu phonemic phonological plural possessive pronouns pragmatic pronoun system ra-ma relativization result retsha retsha-?e rok-ta role saka second person seen semantic sentence sequencers shows singular speaker suffix suffixal slot temporal third person Thulung Tibeto-Burman languages topic marker transitive verbs tsahi tsiki verb root verbal vowel length words