The Doctrine of Annuities and Reversions, Deduced from General and Evident Principles: With Useful Tables, Showing the Values of Single and Joint Lives, &c., at Different Rates of Interest. To which is Added a Method of Investigating the Value of Annuities by Approximation, Without the Help of Tables. The Whole Explain'd in a Plain and Simple Manner and Illustrated by Great Variety of Examples |
Other editions - View all
The Doctrine of Annuities and Reversions, Deduced from General and Evident ... Thomas Simpson No preview available - 2016 |
The Doctrine of Annuities and Reversions, Deduced From General and Evident ... Thomas Simpson No preview available - 2017 |
The Doctrine of Annuities and Reversions, Deduced From General and Evident ... Thomas Simpson No preview available - 2017 |
Common terms and phrases
abcd againſt age in tab alſo anſwering arifing bability becauſe Cafe caſe cent COROLLARY correſponding deceaſe difference divided equal eſtate EXAMPLE exceſs expectation expreſſes extremity of old fame fince find the value fingle fubtract the value furvivor given age increaſed intereſt of 11 leaſe leaſt Lemma leſs less the values let the number longest manifeſt Mean Age multiply multiply'd nuity number of joint number of lives number of perſons paid perpetuity poffeffion poſed poſſeſſion preſent value Prob probability of receiving PROBLEM progreffion propoſitions purchaſe required quotient rate of intereſt reaſoning receiving the ſum repreſented reſerved reſpectively reverfion rule ſame ſecond ſeries ſeveral ſhall ſhewing ſingle lives SOLUTION ſquare ſtands ſucceſſion ſuppoſed ſurviving table of obſervations theſe thoſe ages three joint lives three lives true value Valuation of Annuities value required Value Value Value verſion whoſe Year's Year's Purch Year's Year's Year's
Popular passages
Page 112 - To find the present value of a given amount to be received at the end. of any number of years not exceeding...
Page 114 - The present value of an annuity of one pound for any number of years not exceeding 100.
Page 6 - ... only 93 of them arrive to the age of 66 : therefore, feeing the whole number of perfons living at the beginning of this term, is to the number remaining alive at the end of it, in the ratio of 331 to 93 ; the number of chances that a perfon of 36 years of age has to live 30 years longer, will be to the number of all the chances...
Page 2 - ... to the whole number of inhabitants ; and therefore the probabilities of life,, for all ages above 25 years, the fame as this author has made them ; but then have increafed the numbers of the living...
Page 2 - a place where the generality of the people live to a " greater age than at London (as appears by comparing the Bills " of Mortality here with those observations) can be no just " measure of the probability of Life in this place
Page 7 - ... 89.65, will be the true value of the fecond year's rent. And by a like way of proceeding, the values of the 3d, 4th, 5th, &c.
Page 128 - I apprehend could only be owing to a want of obfervations ; becaufe, if we fuppofe as many perfons to live, at any one time...
Page v - Lastly, arc laid down some easy practical rules for approximating the values of lives without the help of tables. What. I apprehend, may best recommend this performance, is the general, yet familiar manner in which the subject is treated : there not being a solution throughout the whole work, except those relating to the use of tables, that is not universal according to any table or obs. or degree of prob. of life whatsoever; and yet...
Page 7 - ... 96.15, in order to make a juft deduction out of it, for the contingency of his dying before the end of one year, ought to be...
Page 3 - Only, that are born within the bills. Which was done, by comparing together the number of chriftenings and burials, and obferving, by help of Dr.